OT: I'll probably get slammed for this, but . . .

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Sep 16, 2001
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Roseville/Sacramento, CA
2003 Memo: Bush Determined to Invade Iraq

In a confidential memo dated January 2003, Bush told Tony Blair he would invade Iraq without a UN resolution and even if there were no WMDs...

That's off the latest news off Yahoo news. Given that info. How many here think that G.W. Bush ought to be impeached? Don't get me wrong, I do support our troops. And, all the civilian civil service volunteers that are going over there. Three of my past co-workers are among them.
Nope. If Clinton didn't get impeached for getting a BJ then why should Bush for this? I fought in Desert Storm and thought we left without getting the job done. IMO, nothing wrong with a son finishing his fathers job. The guy was a psycho and sooner or later was going to do something stupid. Why wait?;)
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I can't past comment until I know the source of the memo, what context it was written under and its authenticity.

Being willing to war without the presence of WMD is not an impeachable offence. Stating that there was WMD when "KNOWING" that there was none may be. However the KGB, MI6, MASAD, and the CIA thought there were. Clinton stated that there were along with Kennedy during the Clinton administration. Being misinformed is not an impeachable offense either.
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Why don't we let the Iraqi citizens vote if Bush should be impeached?
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I'd have to read the article. Where's the link? I think people take the idea of impeaching the President a bit to lightly. It causes a huge impact to our government and weakens our image to the World.

By the way, Clinton actually was impeached. He just was not removed from office. See the link for details..
As MikeC said, I would reserve judgement until the memo is authenticated.

But no, if Clinton didn't get impeached for lying about getting head, then Bush should not get impeached for lying about the reasons for invading Iraq. He should be kicked square in the ass on public television. His office is responsible for verifying the data given to them, ultimately he is responsible, and the people bear the burden of the commander in chief.

When Bill invaded Monica, the only shooting was between him and her, and they both lived.

I agree daddy shoulda done the job right the first time around.

I agree we did a good thing taking out Hussein.

But I don't agree with the Pres fudging the facts to get the job done. We invaded a country for christ's sake, everyone better have double, and triple checked every fact before that happens. If we wanted to force a revolution, or a regime change, we could have done that much smoother than we did, something more clandestine if you catch my drift. It happens every day, so why was this turned into a media opportunity?
You guys are comparing a BJ to a War that didnt have to hapen and killed alot of people? The only thing that blowjob killed was sperm.
Guys, of course the memo is authentic. Dan Rather typed it himself. :)

Seriously, at this point, who cares who said what? Democrats and Republicans alike lined up like pigs at a trough to pick their "I-support-the-war-on-terror" votes.

Remember the episode of Star Trek (the original series) where they have two aliens aboard who look alike (face half black/half white). They hate each other and can't agree on anything. And the reason they hate each other, as one of them says, is "because he's black on the left side of his face. I'm black on the right side." That's what politics in this nation has become.

All I want to know is what its gonna take to finish the job in Iraq as quickly as possible, so we can get our folks home. If we can't win, a la Vietnam, someobdy smart who really understands the issues should step up and start delivering that message in a way that matters, so we can't start extracting ourselves.

We need more realism and less election politics.
I don't think that American Forces will ever fully pull out of Iraq now. I believe we will have bases set up for support just like S Korea, Japan and across Europe. What we need to do is get more control over that oil.
That "I support the troops However" is a ruse.

Mark -- so true. I get sick to my stomach whenever some says that, and then in the next breath starts bad-mouthing our Commander-in-Chief, his decisions, and other leaders of this country. We are all volunteers. We knew what we would be doing when we volunteered, so if you don't support what the troops are doing, then you don't support the troops -- period.
I'm not sure that it means anything.

Don't confuse intent with the actual events. Within the context of what was happening at the time, the invasion was about WMD. Let's not forget Saddam's behavior at the time also created an atmosphere of extreme tension. If it turns out that Bush knew the intelligence was faulty, then this is going to create a sh*tstorm.
Nelson, you obviously have strong feelings, but if you don't agree with the President about the war in Iraq "you don't support the troops"? 60% of Americans don't approve of the President's handling of the war. I've never heard of anyone not caring about our men and women serving our country.

It's not unpatriotic to disagree with the President.

I said nothing about being unpatriotic.

What I am saying is that this war has been going on for almost five years (since Sept 11th). In that time a good portion of the military has either joined the service or re-enlisted voluntarily. Everyone of those people knew that the war was on-going, and that they could/would be called to join the fight. They chose to serve, which directly (or at least indirectly) means they support the war (being a consciencious objector is incompatible with service). Therefore, if the troops support the war, then someone who doesn't support the war is in disagreement with them.

I can't speak for anyone else, but if someone disagrees with me, I tend to believe they don't support me or my opinion/decision, which doesn't make me feel too good (lowers my morale), especially when it is someone that is very important to me (the US public opinion is important to me, since they are my employer).

Hopefully, my logic isn't flawed in this... :unsure:
Nelson, I support you & your effort very much. But, I do not agree with Pres. Bush's underlying reasons for the war in Iraq, and his continueing to lie to the American people. Pres. Nixon got impeached for a much lesser charge, im my opinion.

Austin, Well said.
It's not unpatriotic to disagree with the President.

Wouldn't that be "Free Speech"?

I might agree that Sadam should have been removed from power, but only if the real reason was for national security and not "gotta finish Daddy's war". Sounds to me like that is what Dubya is doing. It isn't so much what the reason going to war was, but why. If there was that much of a threat from Sadam, then say so. Don't lie about it or lead everyone to believe it was WMD. I am not embaresed by a president getting oral sex in the oval office. I am embaresed by a leader that acts more like a dictator then a leader.

They say Dick Cheney's approval rating is 8. Not 8%, but 8 people.

OH MY..When are some of you going get the big picture..and see there is more involved than the president..."MONEY"..buys dems and repulicans, to do certain things in this nation.

The presidents wind up being the fall guy..just the way it is...

I dont care if you slap me for my beliefs, but Iam a christian and a believer in end time phropesy..there are things being set into motion, that we will only begin to understand in the days to come.

Dont get me wrong, Iam not a sign carrier, saying the end is near. None of us may see it in our life time...but the road signs of the beginning is happening, during our life time.

We helped Sadam to power. He did become a dangerous man. The world knows it. I believe in what we are doing, for the presence there and the security of our country. We have been asked to be the police at times when we should have let others take care of it themselves. So I have no problem doing it for our own gain, when the danger is there and against us.

Ask yourself, do you really think, terrorist will leave us alone and stay off our soil if we back off. I dont think so....We are still considered to be the infedels, even by those that wont attack us....