OT: I'll probably get slammed for this, but . . .

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As long as oil tycoons run this country they will always want to be at WAR to have a reason to elevate the price of oil to line thier pockets. I wonder how many politicians drive government vehicals thet we put fuel in every day.:angry:
I dont care if you slap me for my beliefs, but Iam a christian and a believer in end time phropesy..there are things being set into motion, that we will only begin to understand in the days to come.

I couldn't agree more...it is bible prophecy being fulfilled.

I'm amazed at some of the lunacy in this thread. I've read this site for years now and I've come to the conclusion that some of you should stick to talking about our ST's.

First of all, Clinton was NOT impeached for getting a BJ in the Oval Office from a fat chick. He was impeached for lying, under oath, to a Grand Jury in a sexual harrassment case. That was proven and he was disbarred and should have been removed from office.

Secondly, in order to be a liar you have to know the facts are wrong before you state otherwise. As was stated in an earlier post, nearly every intelligence agency in the world indicated Saddam had WMDs. 5,000+ dead Kurds and untold thousands of dead Iranians would attest to the fact that Saddam did have WMDs. Isn't it convenient that all the intel about the WMDs being transferred to Syria and Iran has been pretty much ignored. Including a first hand report by a high ranking Iraqi Air Force general who states that he was involved in several of the shipments?

Bottom line, so many people choose to hate Geoge Bush because of their ignorance and they will turn a blind eye toward any and all facts that contradict their blind hatred. Isn't it ironic that a recent poll in Iraq showed that over 70% of Iraqis support Bush? If the Democrats are so anxious to end the war before the mission is complete, then do it, and see how your already tenuous existence further deteriorates.

By the way, did anyone read the recently released documents showing that Bin Laden and several of his top associates met with top officials of Saddam's government prior to Sept. 11? Probably not, and if you did it doesn't matter because it was all Bush's fault anyway.

Now, should I buy the XCal2 first or put on the EE Swaybar & Monroe shocks?;)
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We all ave opinions on this subject of war, to do it or not to do it, WMD's, lying about and so on, but we have to respects others opinions too, so to call most or all opinions here "lunacy" is disrespectful to all. After all, aren't we the land of the free? Home of the brave?Liberty and justice for all? So to say that one is right or wrong for stating their opinions is wrong above all statements, good or bad, fact or fiction. I hated the Viet Nam war, but I was there in the middle of it. Some guys were volunteer, but that didn't stop them from fighting the war.

The only opinion I have is that we should find a way to win whatever we start. With all the sophisticated military might we have, it should have ended shortly after it started! Find fault with that staement if you want, but that's my OPINION!


good job - finally some sense.


I support you - but then again I wear the same clothes that you do to work.

If it turns out that Bush knew the intelligence was faulty,

By definition, is faulty intelligence really intelligence or speculation?? I tend to believe the intelligence was correct - just maybe a little outdated.

mrmarvyn wrote:

...so to call most or all opinions here "lunacy" is disrespectful to all.

But calling the President of the United States a liar is respectful?? :huh:

Now this is just my opinion but didn't we win the so called "war"? We got Saddam out, beat his army and are trying now to bring peace in that area. My question is, just how many of these "terrorists" are actually IRAQI'S? (I know some are but Bin Laden is Saudi) It seems to me that by getting rid of the original "Dictator" we opened the door for every other nutcase to come in a try to take control. Not that they are actually "trying to take control". They are actually just trying to "muck up" the recovery process because it's the "bad United States" that is trying to clean up the mess we made. I believe 100% in what we did. WMD or not. Good intel or not. Everyone that has or are serving know that the Military and Intellegence don't go together. (just kidding all) But I think the the "war" with Iraq is done. The "war on terror" will never be finished. The "war on terror" will continue no matter where we are. We just happen to be fighting it on the soil of Iraq right now. I think that is better than trying to fight it on ours.

Now if you want to blame Bush for all this. Well then DON'T vote for him in the next election!:lol:
President Bush Sr. should have gone after Saddam when he invaded Kuwait, but he gave in to the UN.

President Clinton should have gone after Saddam when he booted the inspectors from Iraq, but he instead chose to throw a couple of missles at him (I voted for Clinton twice for many reasons and don't regret it, but my biggest complaint about him is he was weak on defence).

President Bush Jr. is finally doing what should have been done long ago. It would have been much easier to do it in 1991, but it is easier to do it now that 10 years from now when this could be really ugly -- like there being a nuclear missle in Iran.
MTURocks, well said. When I was there in Desert Storm I was 50 miles from Bagdad and we made a right and went to Kuwait. When we got there we all wanted to go the other way and finish it while we were there. I know we all say that Bush Sr. should have finished the job and I said that in my earlier post on this thread, but in all reality he did. We accomplished what we were sent there to do. Which was liberate Kuwait. So we did finish the job we were sent to do. We just should have removed our troops by leaving from Turkey and leveling everything from Kuwait up on our way, instead of leaving from Saudi.;)
Bottom line, so many people choose to hate Geoge Bush because of their ignorance and they will turn a blind eye toward any and all facts that contradict their blind hatred.


And similarly, "Bottom line," so many people choose to love Geoge Bush because of their ignorance and they will turn a blind eye toward any and all facts that contradict their blind love.

That pendulum swings both ways.
And regarding "supporting the troops"--

One side see our soldiers as human beings, with families that love them, and want to see them brought home, to be safe with them.

The other side sees them as an expendable commodity, to be used and, in many cases, lost, in a war that was started at best based on false information, and at worst under false pretenses.

Which side is it that you are claiming is "supporting" the troops??????
I voted for Dubya. (Did you think I would vote for a spoiled rich lawyer from Boston?) I was not against us going to war, WMD's or not. But it's obvious our leaders were not prepared and had no one had any idea what we were getting into. The people over there are just too f*cked up with religion to ever conform to a democracy and it's time Bush acknowledged his mistakes and get us the hell out of Iraq.
Bill V...I agree, the pendulum does swing both ways, however, facts don't. There are many things that I disagree with Bush on, spending being the biggest one. But to say he lied and manipulated facts to get us into war is beyond laughable. For you to say that our men and women in the military are viewed by some as expendable commodities just because they are sent to bravely fight for OUR country and OUR freedoms is and affront to every person that has ever worn the uniform. This country didn't become the greatest nation on Earth by having our military personnel sitting at home safely with their mommies and daddies. Thank God we have the men and women that we do out there doing the job that you won't. Come on...stop drinking the Kool-Aid!

Enough of this...
2003 Memo: Bush Determined to Invade Iraq

In a confidential memo dated January 2003, Bush told Tony Blair he would invade Iraq without a UN resolution and even if there were no WMDs...

If that statement is true, Bush lied. Weapons or not, he was going to invade. He said there were weapons and so far we havent found any. He got the war he wanted. He was going to do it, but had to get the support of the American people. That is manipulating facts. He lied!

But to say he lied and manipulated facts to get us into war is beyond laughable.

Since you cant laugh, does that mean you should replace the situation with sadness for the ones that lost thier lives? How about anger? Be angry at Bush because he is responsible for the death of those service men and women for bringing an unjust war?

At one time, I felt Bush was the best guy for the job. Not anymore. Al Gore is an idiot. I would rather have Elmur Fudd as president. John Kerry was also an idiot. Unfortunatly, he lost. The bigger idiot won tht election.

As for calling Kerry a spoiled rich lawyer from Boston, Bush is a spoiled oil tycoon from Texas.

I don't see a difference between the two. I guess on fights laws while the other breaks laws.


for OUR country and OUR freedoms

Huh? You're kidding, right?

After WMDs were determined not to be in Iraq, the reason that has been given by the White House for continuing to be in Iraq is that we are establishing a democracy over there, giving those people democratic freedoms. Whether or not you feel that this is a cause worth the cost we are paying (both in terms of dollars and human lives) is a worthwhile debate, with strong arguments on both sides. But not even the White House is trying to make a claim that this is about OUR country and OUR freedoms any more--their PR machine is clearly concentrating on this being about THEIR country and THEIR freedoms.

Come on...stop drinking the Kool-Aid!
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Bill V, Very well said. I support the troops as human beings, and doing what they volunteered to do. As much as I would like to see our troops come home to their families they must stay in Iraq until some semblence(sp) of stability come to that region. If we pull out any time soon we loose. If Pres. Bush thought this through he certainly did not voice it to the american public as to what we would have to do when Sadam was removed.

FYI - I did not vote Democrate or Republican in the last election.
Personal favorite of mine...

"... jab this in your thigh."

"Will it keep me alive?"

"No, but you might be able to complete your mission."


Why use a cleaver when a precision scalpel is best for the job?

Why invade a country when only a few people need to disappear?


Saddam was a bad guy and had to go. Period.

We have a heck of a lot more national interest at stake here than we did in Bosnia and Croatia. Nobody was protesting when Clinton blew off the U.N. and sent troops over there (IMO also the right thing to do) to recuse the Muslims. Fat lotta good it did us though. :rolleyes: Didn't see Osama helping the Bosnian Muslims, did we?
Nobody got killed when Clinton got a BJ

Well technically since Clinton was busy getting sex from interns instead of listening to the advice to take out Bin Laden on numerous occasions thousands did.

What alot of people forget is that the Persian Gulf War (for which i am proudly a vet of) ONLY ended by a cease fire agreement which Saddam never lived up to. So, this means we didn't invade or go back in or what ever term you want to use. THE WAR NEVER ENDED, because the terms were NEVER met!!! We are now finishing it not starting a new one.
