I'm amazed at some of the lunacy in this thread. I've read this site for years now and I've come to the conclusion that some of you should stick to talking about our ST's.
First of all, Clinton was NOT impeached for getting a BJ in the Oval Office from a fat chick. He was impeached for lying, under oath, to a Grand Jury in a sexual harrassment case. That was proven and he was disbarred and should have been removed from office.
Secondly, in order to be a liar you have to know the facts are wrong before you state otherwise. As was stated in an earlier post, nearly every intelligence agency in the world indicated Saddam had WMDs. 5,000+ dead Kurds and untold thousands of dead Iranians would attest to the fact that Saddam did have WMDs. Isn't it convenient that all the intel about the WMDs being transferred to Syria and Iran has been pretty much ignored. Including a first hand report by a high ranking Iraqi Air Force general who states that he was involved in several of the shipments?
Bottom line, so many people choose to hate Geoge Bush because of their ignorance and they will turn a blind eye toward any and all facts that contradict their blind hatred. Isn't it ironic that a recent poll in Iraq showed that over 70% of Iraqis support Bush? If the Democrats are so anxious to end the war before the mission is complete, then do it, and see how your already tenuous existence further deteriorates.
By the way, did anyone read the recently released documents showing that Bin Laden and several of his top associates met with top officials of Saddam's government prior to Sept. 11? Probably not, and if you did it doesn't matter because it was all Bush's fault anyway.
Now, should I buy the XCal2 first or put on the EE Swaybar & Monroe shocks?