OT: Moment of silence for the Alaskan Boy Scout leaders...

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Thomas Rogers

Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2004
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Sellersville, PA
...that were killed yesterday at the National Jamboree in VA. They were electrocuted while setting up a tent (details sketchy, but it appears to be overhead or underground wire).

A moment of silence now...









Thank you!

It appears they were erecting a large tent and while raising the center pole they contacted an overhead electrical line. People do this kind of stuff all the time. Have made scenes like this with people cleaning their pools, triming their trees, raising ladders, etc. Everyone needs to be more careful around electrical lines.
Must have been a aluminum pole... in my old scouting days, we had wooden poles for tents. Aluminum is commonly used for it's light weight and durability. Fiberglass poles break too easily.

Hat's off to those poor families.... :(
What is also sad beyond the tragedy of the electrocution is "the rest of the story". In case you didn't seen the entire article, here is an excerpt found in two lowly paragraphs lost at the end:

"The Jamboree runs through August 3 with President Bush scheduled to speak Wednesday evening. Scouts ages 12-18 are to spend 10 days camping in tents and doing activities that include archery, fishing and a GPS-based scavenger hunt.

The Boy Scouts of America have held the event every four years since 1937. The next gathering is set for 2010, five years from now, to coincide with the group's 100th anniversary.

But it may not be held at Fort A.P. Hill, which has hosted the Jamboree since 1981. A federal judge recently ruled that the Pentagon can no longer financially support the event. If the ruling stands, the Boy Scouts would have to find another location for their next gathering.

A lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois contends that the Defense Department's sponsorship violates the First Amendment because the Scouts require members to swear an oath of duty to God.

In exchange for getting use of the Army training base, the Scouts have spent about $20 million on base improvements that include road paving and plumbing upgrades. The Army says it uses the Jamboree as an opportunity to train personnel in crowd control, communications and other logistical skills.

Moment of Silence
















The ACLU seems to be succeeding in destroying:angry: traditional and in-grained american values and I totally agree with Jim T's signature GOD BLESS AMERICA. Years ago, the ACLU sued the City of San Diego for leasing city park land to the Boy Scouts for I think $1.00/yr. The city settled out of court for several hundred K because our city leaders a re like jelly fish, no backbone. Makes me wonder, do they have American currencies(IN GOD WE TRUST) in their pockets or they all use checks and credit cards only.
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Solution - The Defense Department hires the Boy Scouts as contractors to provide crowds for training their troops in crowd control, logistics and communication.

I was a Scout, as was my father.
And, the REST of the story, is that the ACLU has had a "hard-on" for the BSA ever since the ACLU has been around. The Boy Scouts is NOT a religious organization, but it does have a facet of non-denominational faith. There are tons of faith-based organizations that receive some type of support from the public and our government in one form or another (YMCA, AA, Habitat for Humanity, Salvation Army), but the ACLU doesn't have it's sights on them...hypocrits.

As for the perceived ANTI-GAY stance of the BSA, that is way overblown. There is no question on any leader or scout registration form about sexual orientation. In many ways, the BSA is a don't ask, don't tell org. Sure, ONE incident in ONE troop related to the dismissal of a homosexual leader has turned into a witch hunt. The BSA has fought for and WON in the US Supreme Court for their right to govern themselves and to set their own rules...meaning, they have the right to accept or dismiss anyone they wish. As it should be. The ACLU says that the BSA is a gay-hating, discriminatory organization. Bullcrap.

As for use of the facilities, and busses, etc, this is no different than Rome AFP (in NY) being used for Woodstock II (or was the Romestock...). When the need arises to house and protect thousands of civs that come together our govt should do that, whether it be a rock concert, Live8, or a jamboree.

As an Eagle Scout and former assistant scoutmaster, I think Dale has a good idea.

I also like the fact that yesterday, congress voted to keep allowing the BSA to use military bases.

Many of our most famous people are/were eagle scouts. Senators, Presidents, Astronauts, Govenors, Judges, etc.

Fort AP Hill Jamboree is an awesome event. Though I have never been, I know just how well the event goes and the good it does for all those involved. It's tragic that this even occured, but I liek the spirit that the event will go on.

There is a reason that the director of the ACLU was named as one of the top 5 in the book 100 People who are Screwing Up America. Odd that the "American Civil Liberties Union" is so communisitic in their beliefs...

God Bless the families of these scoutmasters.
My son (12yo nearing rank of Star) is going to the Jamboree on Saturday/Sunday this weekend for a day trip. I am sure he will have a great time. I will have him take some pictures. Anyone want me to post some here?
The awful thing is, I've already heard a couple of bad jokes about this tragedy. It's amazing how quickly that crap starts up.

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