And, the REST of the story, is that the ACLU has had a "hard-on" for the BSA ever since the ACLU has been around. The Boy Scouts is NOT a religious organization, but it does have a facet of non-denominational faith. There are tons of faith-based organizations that receive some type of support from the public and our government in one form or another (YMCA, AA, Habitat for Humanity, Salvation Army), but the ACLU doesn't have it's sights on them...hypocrits.
As for the perceived ANTI-GAY stance of the BSA, that is way overblown. There is no question on any leader or scout registration form about sexual orientation. In many ways, the BSA is a don't ask, don't tell org. Sure, ONE incident in ONE troop related to the dismissal of a homosexual leader has turned into a witch hunt. The BSA has fought for and WON in the US Supreme Court for their right to govern themselves and to set their own rules...meaning, they have the right to accept or dismiss anyone they wish. As it should be. The ACLU says that the BSA is a gay-hating, discriminatory organization. Bullcrap.
As for use of the facilities, and busses, etc, this is no different than Rome AFP (in NY) being used for Woodstock II (or was the Romestock...). When the need arises to house and protect thousands of civs that come together our govt should do that, whether it be a rock concert, Live8, or a jamboree.