OT - Need help motivating our pool builder

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Yes, They live in St. Pete. I think they called 8 on your side, but if I were you, I'd try them all until you found someone to help out. I really think that the timing is right too. Bodacious hot is always pool building time here - would be right up the news peoples alley to do a piece on it - good ratings on that kind of stuff. My friends dock problem was about 3/4 complete when they called - also makes for good news footage. You may be able to go online to all of the local stations to put feelers out. Good luck and keep us posted.
Well... It's took a while, but it seems like we're on the building road again. :D

We went to see a lawyer (couldn't contact the news crews) back on the 7th and I called the company owner to let him know that we did so. He seemed surprised that we actually followed through. We also had the lawyer send a letter (since it was covered under my wife's legal plan at work) saying they had until the 31 Jul to finish before we take the next step again. Anyway, that weekend the deck pavers got finished and the screen cage was started. They finished the cage on the 17th and are hopefully preparing the interior for finishing today. I really hope we don't have to take this further.