OT: Post Vasectomy Pain

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Nick Mitchell

May 30, 2006
Reaction score
Charlotte, NC
This is way off topic but I hoped someone might have some thoughts or experience.

I had a vasectomy three weeks ago and am still having pain (you know where) as well as up behind my pelvic bone. Drs said everything seems ok and 1% of men "just have pain". Well, this is no good. I was just wondering if anyone else out there has any ideas. You can email me if you don't want to post your personal experience.

Hmm... that is odd, my suggestioon is to go back to your surgeon/MD, I do not see why would you have pain that long? By the way any pain meds that they prescribed for you after surgery?
What kind of pain, and when? I had some sensitivity and some pain for several weeks afterwards under certain conditions....jump up to quickly, boys become pinched, etc.

Everyone that I know that had it never experienced prolonged pain. It is possible that everyone feels pain differently....

Could get a second opinion....

Todd Z
I had pain for about 2 months. Soak in a warm tub everynight for about 30 minutes and you should start to heal, and the pain will slowly go away. I have heard people say they were never sore, but I guess we are the unlucky few. Good luck.:)
As the others have said, I know several that have had the big "V", in all of them, only 2 people I recall of did have some issue after a week or so. In one case, one of our officers go his surgery a day before we deployed. Doc told him he would be good to go. Well, they swelled up like grapefruits, honest, bigger than oranges. To say the least, he was in a co for the first week, never got out of it. Food, water and a means to go to the bathroom were brought to him.

He was able to get up after a week and then was fine and has never had an issue since...
Depends on what kind of pain. Mine are still very sensitive (more so than normal)and it's been 2 years. If i get them in a "jam" that wouldn't have bothered them before, they will now let me know that they are not comfortable. Now if you are having pain for no reason at all, then get a second opinion. The pain can persist for months, it's a high nerve area and you know the area down there. It doesn't need to take a shot to hurt, just come close and they will hurt. Hang in there. They will get better.;)
i had no pain or swelling what so ever but i DID literaly have a bag of ice down there

for 22 hours straight which i think was the biggest factor.

i would definitely get another opinion if the guys are bothering you that badly.

and for all of you gentleman that have had it done you do know to start asking

for PSA tests after age 40 right?

long term study's have shown increased prostate cancer in vasectomy patients.
No pain after about 24 hours here.... as wp23n said, I kept ice on it for the first day. Second day, I went to the mall... had to walk pretty slow because it felt like I was going to step on the twins, but 2 days later I was back at work (had it done on fri and went to work on Mon.) was teaching water survival at the time so I had to stay out of the pool until the stitches were gone, but that was it. Like stonemiser, I still am very sensitive to any "jams" but for the most part, it's business as usual.

I would go see a different Doc for a second opinion.

Good luck, and speedy recovery!
Only pain meds I got was Tylenol..thank goodness I had some Vicodin left from my wisdom teeth being taken out...2 days of bad pain, sitting in a chair with frozen bags of peas (wife would swap them out every hour so they wouldn't turn into mush)...after 5 days, I was pain free, but still very sensitive to any contact.

Only complaint I had was they doc pulled on the vas so hard that I could feel it in my eyeballs (no joke there). But, no swimmers anymore :)
While I have not had the big V yet... I was diagnosed with Testicular Cancer in January and had one removed. While the tubing and blood supplies are tied off and nerve endings on that side are severed and cauterized, I still get the occasional pain, especially in the incision area (which is more like a hernia than a vasectomy). The surgery was 9 months and 13 days ago.

When you think about it, how many nerve endings are in that area in general, I would suppose some pain is expected for a short time in your case. But, (3) weeks?

I think you need to go back. If that fails, get a second opinion. I would hope the first doc is not trying to cover up for a "boo-boo".