I am a gun owner and frequent many gun owners forums. This type of stuff comes up all the time. Especially in the 'open carry' states. For those of you that are unfamiliar different states have different laws in regards to carrying a firearm on your person. Some require licenses, some do not. Some require you carry concealed, some require you carry in the open. In 'open carry' states it is very common for you to be stopped by a police officer and questioned about your identity and intentions with your firearm. Basically this is illegal. If you are a hardliner in personal regards to your given rights then you don't answer any questions and you don't provide any information other than verbally giving your name. If you are like me then you cooperate, have a polite discussion and go about your way. Let me tell you there are groups of people out there that get very heated over these types of situations
I too am an avid firearm owner. I enjoy ALL of my rights as guarenteed by the B.O.R.
This same topic was posted on one of the firearms forums that I frequent. Needless to say the debate on MyST.co, is TAME in comparison, but the sentiments pretty much run the same lines. "Charge me or get out of my way", "Pick your battles", "he brought it on himself"... it doesn't matter. There is a little stupidity, a little power-mongering, a little harrassment, and more in this story, if true.
Personally, I'm not going to take a side on this fight. It's not a battle that I would have picked, especially with the Police, but I applaud this citizen for standing up.
As for the "Right to Carry" states questions:
(2) States do not require ANY permit to carry a firearm concealed or open - Vermont and Alaska
(35) States have a Shall-Issue - that is must issue the license if all legal requirements are met
(3) States have a Do-Issue law - there is SOME descrepancy in who can cannot get a carry license
(8) States have a Capricious-Issue - The issueing county has descretion and the regulations range from "liberal" to "strickt"
(2) States have a No-Issue law - Illinois and Wisconsin - cannot carry period.
Summation is that in 40 states, there is limited government intervention in the "right to carry". In at least 45 states there is a GUARENTEED RIGHT to carry on your own property. Washington DC doesn't even allow handguns to be assembled withen the city limits (currently being challenged at the SCOTUS).
(2) States allows rural open carry
(10) States openly allow open carry
(13) States allow permeted open carry
(18) States do not make open carry illegal
(6) States do not allow open carry
(1) State is too legalistic to really tell one way or another
(43) States have some sort of legal open carry
(6) Do not allow open carry, but of the 6, (1) is a Capricious-Issue carry permit, while the rest are a shall-issue.
That makes 49 states have some sort of right to carry (with or without permit), the other is ambiguous. Washington DC for the time being is a "yeah right" area. Don't even bother to try.
So yes, more than likely Ironbar is perfectly capable of enjoying his RIGHTS as stated by the various state constiutions....