TJR, MS's claim to fame came when they made what some will say is a smart business deal with IBM, but MS came to IBM - well this excerpt will help explain...
August 12, 1981, IBM introduces its Personal Computer, which uses Microsoft's 16-bit operating system, MS-DOS 1.0, plus Microsoft BASIC, COBOL, PASCAL, and other Microsoft products.
After months of maniacal hours by developers, the IBM personal computer debuts with Microsoft's Disk Operating System (MS-DOS). Other companies set out to clone this new hardware standard, negotiating with Microsoft for the rights to distribute MS-DOS (which IBM,
under pressure from Bill Gates and company, has authorized). Because the clones are not strictly compatible, Microsoft creates a different MS-DOS for each machine. Newly incorporated Microsoft also rides the wave of the IBM PC with versions of BASIC, COBOL, and Pascal.
What I didn't realize is how far back MS history goes.
I did a search on the history of DR-DOS (Digital Research DOS) and found this. Take a look at the lawsuit toward the bottom of the page.
I must say that the founders of MS are highly intelligent, shrewed business people. Their goal even early on was/is to win at all costs no matter who they step on with a slightly inferior product.