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Thomas Rogers

Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Sellersville, PA
...but please don't forget those are "real" people you are conversing with on the other end of the ether.

They are people's husbands, wifes, sons, daughters, fathers, mothers. Some have gone to 6 years or more of higher education, others didn't finish high school. There are some that are divorced and dealing with that aspect of their life, and others that are just getting ready to get married. There are some that are sick and dying of an incurable illness, and there are others that think they will live forever and their reckless actions show it. There are some that are barely making enough money to keep it together and pay for their ST each month, and there are others that are living what appears to be a financial dream.

But what brings us all here is the common thread of a truck. A truck we sometimes like, a truck we sometimes hate. And once here, the discussions often move away from the truck and into things that are topical. Often it is in these off-topic discussions that our differences come out. Respect those differences. Learn from those differences and different perspectives. Keep an open mind and you might actually expand your horizons.

I :wub: MYST and the community. I consider all you regulars my "friends", not just "virtual friends".

This article below made me think along these lines:
Okay, R, you keep using the term "Bad apple". What exactly, in your opinion, constitutes a "bad apple?"

For me, it's a person who can't treat others with respect. Or a person that is quick to take things to a street-fight rather than try to understand the other's POV. Or maybe the person who clearly uses this board to pick fights and put others down. I call those bad apples.

The funny thing though, and please take this seriously, I still don't see what happened in your other two threads to tick you off. I didn't see a bunch of bad-apple behavior from others. Don't shoot the messenger.

I hope you stay, I hope you understand that people are different, and I hope you don't let every little inquisition about the things you post get to your personally.

Yeah...people that say something gruff and off the cuff, then retract stuff are guilty of "typing before the think". It might not be BA, but definately we should have less of it (not saying that is what those aforementioned did, just speaking generally).

There is a lot of "Secret Life of Walter Mitty" going on all over the Internet on boards like this, I suspect.
What about bad pears?:p

Why does every one have it out for those poor defenceless apples?

Figs now thats a fruit you just cant trust. And what about them there passion fruit, you better make sure your wife/husband isnt eating them with some one else. Many marriges were wrecked because of them. Personaly I consider the apple one of the realy good upstanding citizens of fruitopia. We even give them to our teachers and say all the time "an apple a day keeps the doctor away". The devil used the apple to mess up ol adam and eve and we all know how ol Mr Diablo like to try and ruin all that is good. So I'm making a stand for those poor apples and saying go pick in some fruit your own size, mabe a lady finger banna (hint hint) ;)

Seriously guys TJR is right and in the infoamous words of Mr King (Rodney) "cant we all just get along".
You can thank yer bad apples if we never put on another ST meet at LAP. At least not as long as I'm alive. Too bad, ToddZ had such a good thing goin on.

(BTW, yes, your definition on BA is right on.)

Good, then maybe all of us should stop buying Ford, how would you feel about that?
It's b/c bad apples Adam, Grumpy & SST edited out or instigated on the evidence. Can't dish out what they can't take, apparently. Pretty weak huh.

You can thank yer bad apples if we never put on another ST meet at LAP. At least not as long as I'm alive.

Dragging me into this? Quite remarkable, considering I defended your ass by bolding your introductory statement, thus trying to focus your implication that the ST is as tough as those tested that made the article. Ever hear the statement: "Don't bite the hand that feeds you." Here goes.

Instigated? "Very true" acknowledged the idea that there's only so much that can be taken from an implication, and we do not know specifically how the ST performed. You're an engineer, I assume. Your superiors don't want assurances. They want numbers. Data. Tell me, and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. But I will still have that doubt. And others won't even give that benefit. Prove it to me, and I and others will believe you. It's no different in any profession, any market, any scenario.

Dishing what I can't take? Personally, I like when folks come to my defense. And I also respect when they offer constructive criticism. The lack of any other posts in that thread, or the subsequent thread, or this one till now should hint that I had no ill will towards you.

Listen. I've been to Louisville after a red-eye, no sleep thirteen hour drive. I've put together two meets. I've driven the Trac for three years, and done nothing but speak highly of it. If you're an engineer, you're older than 21. It's time to grow up. Mommy ain't here to listen to your "but he pushed me first" comments. I like Ford, and would like to continue liking Ford. But, I cannot imagine the engineers over at Nissan, Toyota, or Subaru getting into a verbal sparring match with OWNERS AND POTENTIAL REPEAT CUSTOMERS of its products online. Your interaction with this board can be a gesture of good will or irreparable harm, imputed to your employer. And, neither you nor Ford are earning any friends with this crap.

As for Louisville -- it's the people, the intangible camaraderie, and the tangible interest in our vehicles and their modifications, that makes it as special as it is. Now, I am careful to differentiate between your actions and those of the kind hosts in Louisville. But, I must say that if you alone were what Ford brought to the table, most of us would not shed a tear if it ended. Regional or private national meets would continue, and life would go on.
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Tell me -- what did I originally dish out? I'm eager for your response. I think I adequately covered my post above. But, I am interested in your take.
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With all due respect, you need to drop it. My father retired from Ford Motor Company after 43 years of service. You are the one that is bringing reproach on Ford. You are the one that has done more damage to Ford than anyone here.

You need to go on with your life and put you aggression on making Ford money by making a better looking and better performing vehicle.

The only thing you are doing down is making yourself look like an ass.

with "smoke and mirror" comments like you BA's put out. You're asking me to justify your crap?

eerrr... that was me. And I used it because you used one vehicle test to justify the abilities of another.

I challenge you to find any single instance where I have bashed the ST or Ford or you personally. I will admit I have commented on shocks and tires, but the preference of a stiffer, less rebounding shock is a matter of personal preference related to driving style more than anything else. You'll not find where I said "Ford makes crappy shocks".

G out
You deleted it, remember. What a guy.


Support thread. Note the edit, and the bold.

[Broken External Image]:

Follow-up response. Note the lack of any edit.

[Broken External Image]:

Nowhere else is there a post by me, until these.

Again, I ask: Where did I dish it out?

Merely moving this where you can see it. Folks don't know much about me outside of the Trac. But, do a quick web search for Jack Telnack. Or, ask around Dearborn. And, do a search for where his family finds its roots (not where he was born). Then, add that to where I call home. This is not a threat, mind you. I'm merely showing that you have allies you don't even recognize. Some may choose to like Ford. Others, well, you might say we have an obligation. The lack of professionalism on this board doesn't make this obligation easier.
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