16th amendment to the U.S. Constitution
Agree or disagree with it, it's there. Personally, I don't need the IRS probing in any/all of my bodily cavities. It's the same way with the BATFE (especially being the owner of a FFL03 license). It's better to spend the fex extra $$ now then fight them in the courts over a technicality that they win time and time again on.
Now if it's something blatently wrong, that's a different story.
Now as far as the Gov't properly using the money.... let's talk Pork for a second, and I don;t mean bacon.
The government is responcible for the security of the citizens. Police, military, etc, good. I'll even give them roads and infrastructure.
Social Security? Hell NO!! I can do at least 2x better in my own private investments. If you are too stupid to properly save for your own future, you deserve to work everyday the rest of your life.
I am personally tired of paying nearly 15% of my income (that includes the "employer match", an amount that is yours and part of your compensation that just never got put on your paycheck... ask anyone who is self employed) to get a 4% return between the age of 63.5 and death. I have been averageing between 8 and 12% over the past 5 years on my 401(k).
Medicare? They are the problem, not the solution. When the government pays, there is a scandal somewhere. I worked for a company that provided medical appliances like braces to patients. We charged what Medicare paid for those devices, no matter if medicare was paying or not. They set the price. And for most of the items, the prices we somewhere between 300% and 1200% of the cost of the device. Some where higher than that (a $99 device we resold for more than $1500).
Open medical prices to free-market economics. The prices will come down. If tort reform were to be enacted, the prices would come down as well since anymore in the medical field, more than 30% of the price of an item is to pay for lawyers and lawsuits. Just ask Merck.