OT, Traffic Fines, By State

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PA may "start" at $35, but add in the mandatory EMS contribution, and a few other charges, and the least one can get away with (I believe) is $105. The article made it seem like PA doesn't care. :)
Adam is correct. In Pa, the last time I got pulled over (about 6 years ago) the Police Officer noticed I worked at the local Hospital, so he said he was going to cut me a break and write me up for "Failure to obey a traffic device" which was only a $30 fine. I was like "cool, no problem". He gave me the ticket and the total was $110. That was after the EMS contribution, court costs, and the "leaniant" fine.;)
Their information is a little vague with a broad range in many states. Here in Maine (I have my street reference fines book here in front of me) the fines, regardless of prior history, are as follows

Speeding 1-9 over $119

10-14 over $137

15-19 over $189

20-24 over $215

25-29 over $263

All of the above are traffic infractions and do not involve going to court just paying or if you contest the ticket you have a motor vehicle bureau hearing kind of like court.

30mph or more over is Criminal Speed and involves going to court and a larger fine ($500 or more) and possibly jail time. You can and will likely be arrested on the spot for Criminal speed.

If the area in which you are speeding is a school zone or a construction zone then the fines get much larger, basically twice that of a normal ticket, speeding 25 over in a contruction zone is $516 (not quite double)

Not that many of you will be in Maine but I just was wondering where the report got its numbers there is no such thing a $25 ticket here.

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