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Active Member
Sep 5, 2004
Reaction score
Southern, AZ
Just wondering if private homes ever get a shipment from UPS/FEDEX, etc. in early part of the day?

My computer was overnight express(FEDEX), got it Monday about 4:00 pm. Just a few minutes ago got my new keyboard (via UPS) I orderd Monday.

Before retirement I remember getting deliveries at work in mornings, but home always seems to be in late afternoon.

So, do home deliveries get lower priority than business with these people?

I see they load their trucks in early morning hours.
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Homes are low priority, and last in the day after all business deliveries are done. Businesses are delivered during the day due to normal business hours. Also if you are using UPS or FedEx to ship something, ALWAYS tell them it is going to a business, price is about 30-50% cheaper.
lol, telling Fedex that it is going to a business doesnt make it 30-50% cheaper. There is a slight surcharge for sending to a residence, but it is not 30%-50%. I can tell you first hand, with Fedex Express, it depends on the type of service the shipper selects. Business or Residence it doesnt matter.....if the shipper selects the before 10:30am option, then it has to be at the destination before 10:30am or the shipper gets their money back. We can have it there as early as 8:30am, if the shipper wants to pay for the service. Normally, 10:30am is the next service time commitment. Noon is the next, with 3:30pm being the latest.

This is for Fedex Express, not Fedex Ground.

Wih Fedex Express, homes are not "late in the day after businesses".
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I think it depends on where you are on their route. Where I used to live I would get deliveries by 11am the latest. In my new home I am one of the last stops and don't get packages until 6-7pm.

We have an office in our neighborhood that receives packages and they are usually before noon by both Fedex and UPS. It's not uncommon to see two delivery trucks per company on any given day. Once in the AM and another in the PM.

My packages usually get dropped of around 6pm.
When I was a road warrior for a Consulting firm, I used to get my airline tickets via overnight FedEx at my house and they usuall delivered them before noon. That was about 10 years ago.

UPS rarely shows up here before 3:00PM and more often it's between 5:00PM and 6:00PM.

i am a driver for ups sp i know all this very well. it all depends on the level of service and where you live. most places (say 60% to 70%) have a few differnt levels, before 8 am next day (very exspensive, availble to bothe business and houses)) before 1030 next day(standard next day availbel to both business and houses) next day saver (before 3 pm business and bevore end of day house, most things u have shipped from like a website are shipped this way cause it teh cheapest way to send sumting next day) and standard delivery (5pm for business and end of day for houses). if u are more rural then most everything jumps to being guarenteed by 1200, 3 pm or end of day. if u live way out in the sticks, then everything is guarented end of day only. as for when you get your normal delivery it all depends on where you are on a route. most routes do business first because they get the most stuff and most close earlier. 3/4 of most trucks are business. its just the way it is. where i live is kinda rural but not that rural and the driver who delivers my area is usually around 1000 am becasue i am near teh begining of the route. just 10 min down teh road the house down there usually get their delivers around 530 becasue that is near teh end of the route. everybody wants to be first thing in the morning but hey we (ups drivers) can only be one place at a time and im sorry to say not everyone can be first or even in the middle, sumbody has to be lost. hope this exsplains a little bit of your question

I know for a fact using ups software, you will save 30-50% off of pricing saying it is going to a business. I do it everyday, and save customers their money. FedEx does it to but it is a little different system.


Cheers ,

I save my money everyday.

WOW! What an education.

But isn't lying about shipping to a business address when it is really a home address cheating just a tad?
Obviously maserlaser is the expert on this but I wanted to add my experience. I live two blocks away from a UPS distribution center and my deliveries always come late in the evening. I always thought it was because they head out to the farthest destination first and then work their way back to the center. I have inquired on several occasions if I could have some kind of note put in the system to have all my packages held for me at the distribution center and I would pick them up. They don't allow this. If I miss a delivery I can call in with the door sticker number and they will then hold the package for me to pick up or attempt next day delivery.
I always see UPS trucks lined up at the Dunkin Donuts at 4 or 5pm when I'm heading into work. My work is next door to the distribution center. They rush through their deliveries and hang out at DD until their shift is over. Which stucks because we pay for them to be there. :angry:
They rush through their deliveries and hang out at DD until their shift is over. Which stucks because we pay for them to be there.

Many times we have to take mandatory breaks, learn the way the business works before you criticize...Yes, sometimes we have to rush, but on the other end, due to weather or mechanical situations, the delivery drivers leave the hub late. Drivers are under watch by the federal government on their DOT hours. Taking a break is part of the DOT's rules.
I wouldn't want to be a UPS or FEDEX driver. They do work some long hours around the holidays. I remember drivers coming to my door at 9 pm with deliveries. Also, C made the point about two deliveries in the same day. That used to happen at one of my bases. It seemed the deliveries were coming two or three times every day. I don't know how they even made money.

One good thing about them though, is that they are reliable. The USPS/Military Postal Service sure isn't. I mailed three medium-sized boxes to myself from Oklahoma to Poland, and they were sent Priority. I took them to the post office in my Mazda. Guess what? My Mazda is being delivered to me in Poland on Monday, and the stupid boxes still haven't arrived. How the heck do you justify three 50 lb (avg.) boxes taking longer to arrive than a one ton vehicle that has to be transported on a ship? These boxes were mailed before Christmas, and I'm being told to be patient, because they will eventually get here. To top it off, I received several first-class letters yesterday that were postmarked 2 Jan 07. Over a month for a letter! :blink:
Customs, Nelson. Your 3 boxes could be in a cargo container with a package that has messed up customs paper. That one package can hold up all that freight.

THis is why I said above, know the business before anyone criticize the way it runs. There are so many things that effect the way a package gets from point a to point b that the everyday person has no idea about.

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