Over Drive Light

Ford SportTrac Forum

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Carlos Garcia

Jul 19, 2006
Reaction score
sunrise, FL
I'm not a mechanic - I have a 2001 sport trac with 71,000 miles and never change the IAC (not really what that is but I have a problem.- around 2 months ago I notice the overdriver light star blinking when I'm driving and the truc don't take the gears or it is hard for the gear to engage - some body please helpppppppppppp.


First, check the transmission fluid level. Slipping will occur if fluid is low. If fluid level is OK, then you have a bigger $$$$ problem.
I agree with Bill-E. I had the OD light blink on my ST once around the 70,000 mile mark, the Trac appeared to not accept the gear and just spin the driveshaft. Upon listening for any noise comming from the transmission and none heard that caused concern, I changed out the transmission fluid that same day and the OD light to this day has not blinked on again. Going on 120,000 miles now and it's been trouble free and no blinking OD light.