Pet Peeve

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Gary DiPietroSr

Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2000
Reaction score
Oxford, CT
I normally don't say anything like this but... I notice a lot of new people asking questions lately about all sorts of issues. They get plenty of answers from the reg. people who are in the know, but some of the "askers" never say thanks for the help they get. They just keep asking. Just my pet peeve:huh:

Gary D. in CT
"Please" and "Thank you" are nice to hear, but it seems to be optional in an informal setting like this. We could nit-pick all day on politeness, grammar, spelling, etc., but I don't think the site would be very fun then. We just have to be conscious that not everyone was raised to know these things.
They call them "Sleepers" or "Peepers".

The ones who only come out of the woodwork to ask or reply when a post benefits

them, personally. They offer no suggestions or information to help others on the site.

They just want their answers, and they are on their merry way!

I, for one, am thankful, that there are people out there that have heard enough good

things about us and our site, to feel like they can come here and "pick our brains"

for all that it is worth, and all that we have to offer them!

We are a "Chosen Few", as I like to think of it!

Didn't Chris Peterson basically say this same thing a few weeks ago and he got slammed by everyone telling him to lighten up.
I don't read every post, so I'm not sure about Chris. It's just my pet peeve. I wouldn't know as much about my trac if it weren't for Rich and the members on this site. I am very gratefull to everyone. I always try answer back when I ask a question. It's the way I do things, that's all. Oh yeah, thanks for replying!

Gary D. in CT
STench, I think alot of the reason Chris got slammed was because he was showing a bigger lack of respect in posts prior to that. Especially in that pissing contest with Tyler.
I guess i'm a peeper.. I only reply when I can give actual educated replies due to experience in my professions, documented knowledge bases, or personal experience. I do not gain personally from this. I just want to help. Believe me, I've bitten my toungue a lot of times on this board. There is some mis-information on this site, but there is a lot on the internet. The adage 'if it is on the web, then it must be true' does not apply in real life. Ok, off of my soapbox...

BTW, HTH, JMHO, YMMV, just my $0.02, yada yada....

And lastly, Thanks for all of the help that i get on this site...:D
Well I just wanna say Thanks to everyone who has helped me with questions the past few weeks if I forgot to say it in the message which I usually do... Well at least I think I do... I love this website I have to go on it everyday... I may not post everyday but love reading what everyone is up to or is doing...Thanks again to all....
I tend to agree with, Nelson. Iam not on here as much as I used to be. I have tried to thank folks up front or after.

My reward for helping others is the fact that Iam able to relay something of knowlege. My hope is that it helped and I dont really need a thank you.

I was raised to say please and thank you. As Nelson said we can get into a pissing contest, or realize the lack of doesnt make them a bad person...Thanks to all that have helped me and have a good one...:D:cool:
My BIGGER pet peeve is when they don't follow up and tell us what resolved the problem or how it was fixed. I feel that is more important in this format than a thank you is.
Thanks for remembering that guy!!! I did bring this up last week and yes, I did get slammed.

Oh well, I have better things to do like not listening to some of the mental masterbation (I can't spell) that goes on here..

BTW... THANKS to everyone for their help

Have a wonderfull day

My biggest pet peeve is when someone replies with an off the wall comment that benefits no one, but just flames issues. There are so many helpful people here that most overlook these individuals. It would be nice to hear if the suggestions fixed the problem, or hear "thanks for the advice", etc., but I don't feel you should offer advice to be thanked. And STanner, I agree I only post when I can possibly help, so I guess I'm a peeper as well. PEEPERS UNITE:)

This is an awesome site so for those who haven't said it. "Thanks a Million!!"
you are correct... there are a lot of people here that know their sh_ _!!!!! If I have a question, IT is always answered!!!! and I appreciate their help......

My peeve is a dirty window.. How can you give someone back the car or truck with a dirty window... Even at work it sets me off. I won't fly a plane with a dirty window, why should I drive a vehicle with a dirty window. Just my quirk I suppose.... Who else has some pet peeves outside of "netiquette", as coined by Flip !?!?

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