Pet Peeves - We All Have Them

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Nelson Atwell

Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2003
Reaction score
Bydgoszcz, Poland
What is yours? Todd's phone thread brought this to mind...

Mine is mobile phones -- especially when I am alone with someone at dinner or in the car and he/she is texting someone. It irritates the heck out of me. Even if it is my daughter...with my daughter she knows better than to do it anymore. Just one of my rules with her.

The only other one is smoking in public places. In Poland it is epidemic and I come home nearly every day smelling as if I have been fighting fires. I throw my clothes in the hamper and then the bathroom smells like someone has been smoking in it. :angry:
My pet peeves are missspelld wurds and inkorect grammer that aint right...and when grown adults confuse there, their, and they're... or to and too... that makes me NUTS!

Or when an otherwise intelligent adult ends a perfectly constructed sentence with a preposition, like this:

phone has been on for 3 hours and you need to learn there are other numbers to call me at...

Todd Z

My BIGGEST pet peeve is when some knucklehead thinks Superman can beat up Batman;)
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Phone has been on for 3 hours and you need to learn there are other numbers to call me at....... Bat boy!!!!

Good old DC Cab ending was going to be there but I will be nice...

Todd Z

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where do i begin ?

1. drivers in the left lane who will not move over ( left lane for passing only- ok florida residents ! )

2. waiting on line at the bank or post office and customer and employee continue their personal conversations well after the transaction is over.

3. cell phone conversations that are loud enough for everyone to hear. the i am so important call !

4. people who do not bag their grocery's and wait to the order is done and then take the cheque book out and fill it out as we all wait. also the lazy's who cant return the cart to the "cart corral", but would rather leave it behind your parked vehicle.

5. people who can't use a trash container because it's easier to toss the the garbage out the window.

6. sand trucks on the long isle expressway that "leak" sand out that back and sandblast your vehicle.

thats it for now :angry:
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Ooh ooh! I've got a good one! How about people that believe every aftermarket accessory gets you however many horsepower it says on the box?
1. People who drive and talk on their cell phone.

2. People that cannot keep up with the traffic in front of them. (They're usually the idiots talking on cell phones).

3. A-holes that rush up and cut in line instead of falling into the back of the line like they should. (Driving or walking).

4. Litterbugs.

5. And at this time of the year: rude shoppers.
I also love this time of year when you get a group/family of four or five that insist on walking side by side down aisles and expect you to move.
When Iam already over the speed limit and the car behind me, passes me only to slow down and make a turn, 2 blocks ahead.
Folks who drop "to be" and/or "ing" from verb statements. The car neither "needs washing" nor "needs wash." It needs to be washed. Or, in the simpler active form, "I need to wash the car."
The Jack Ass across from me at a red light who cuts his wheel and creeps out before green so that he can take that left turn before I go straight! I always try to make it as close as I can, and they give ME a look!
People who ease into the newly formed left or right turn lane, riding in both lanes until finally getting all the way into that turning lane, right before turning.
People that ride down the standing turn lane to get around traffic and then try to get back over at the last second.

People that slow down on the interstate before the exit lane.
People who don't turn on their turn signal until they are in the middle of their turn....that is IF they turn it on at all.:angry:
Or when an otherwise intelligent adult ends a perfectly constructed sentence with a preposition, like this:

phone has been on for 3 hours and you need to learn there are other numbers to call me at...

Todd Z

One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone corrects someone else's grammar incorrectly. It is perfectly acceptable to end a sentence with a preposition. See the link below. (And there are hundreds more articles out there discussing the fallacy of the "don't end a sentence with a preposition" rule. Do a web search to see some of them.)

My BIGGEST pet peeve is when some knucklehead thinks Superman can beat up Batman;)

Or couse Superman can't beat up Batman. Superman isn't real. :D
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The car neither "needs washing" nor "needs wash." It needs to be washed.

Actually, if the first half of your sentence is true, and the car doesn't need washing, then the second half is incorrect, as it doesn't need to be washed. :)

It's called a "gerund". It's perfectly acceptable word usage. Look it up.

But you're right about "needs wash". Although I've never heard anyone say that.
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