Pet Peeves - We All Have Them

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People that say "sway bar" when it's really an "anti-sway" bar.

People that want you to be different, as long as you are just as different as they are.

People that go on and on about all the things that bother them just like, uh, just like I'm doing right now!:p
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Drivers that will not let you merge onto a highway.

Never mind the fact that the guy merging onto the highway has to yeald to the guy on the highway and the guy on the highway is not required to let anyone on the highway. That driver has the "right-of-way".


Drivers that will not let you off of a highway.

Plan ahead and read the previous comment.

Ok how about rush hour driving? I didn't ask for a traffic law update here. Durring rush hour traffic when it is bumper to bumper on the highway and you are trying to merge what are you suposed to do? Just sit there untill the heavy traffic ends and then get on the highway? All I was saying is it is nice when someone lets you in under those circumstances instead of sticking to the rear of the car in front of them and forcing you to stay in the merge lane and wait.

As for getting off of the highway there are several exits on 495 near where I live that the entrance and exit ramp are one and the same so that the people that are being blocked from getting onto the highway are also without meaing to blocking people trying to get off of the highway.

This topic was about things that are pet peeves and these are two of them for me weither they are right or wrong.
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Mike said:
The Jack Ass across from me at a red light who cuts his wheel and creeps out before green so that he can take that left turn before I go straight! I always try to make it as close as I can, and they give ME a look!

Not that it's a great excuse, but many intersections and the behavior of other drivers requires left-turning folk to jackrabbit turn like that. If there were more left turn signal lights, and drivers going straight didn't push stale yellows (and run reds) then people wouldn't have to do that as much.

Ok how about rush hour driving? I didn't ask for a traffic law update here. Durring rush hour traffic when it is bumper to bumper on the highway and you are trying to merge what are you suposed to do? Just sit there untill the heavy traffic ends and then get on the highway?

Since you asked, yes. Without the right of way, you are supposed to yield and let those that have the right of way to continue on their way.

All I was saying is it is nice when someone lets you in under those circumstances instead of sticking to the rear of the car in front of them and forcing you to stay in the merge lane and wait.

It would be nice if everyone pulled off the side of the road and let you drive though traffic. You have a pet peeve against someone that is doing nothing wrong.

Ever get pissed when they in front of you lets people in front of him?

The only time I really get unhappy with someone letting another person in front of them is when they let EVERYONE in front of them! You know the guy, the one that lets all sixteen cars waiting at the side street in, and waits for the guy hurrying up the street! I believe in letting someone in, but one to a customer!
I actually rear-ended a guy who suddenly stopped to let someone from a side street go in front of him. How can one anticipate that? It was still my fault for following too close. :(
I have a one or two vehicle let in rule. let one in than go..unless it's another ST then they get to go too :)
Actually no i do not get upset when someone lets people into the highway as my pet peeve is when people do not let me in. When I am aproaching an on ramp I usulaly leave two car lengths between myself and the car in front of me so that people can merge onto the highway as well.

Think about it the main reason for traffic to slow down on highways durring rush hour is that people have to force their way off of the ramps. If everyone would move onto the highway in a zipper type of fassion then traffic would move much better in these areas.
OK, I just had another one come to mind, that I just have to vent--

People who put the word "an" in front of words that start with a hard "h". You use "an" when a word starts with a vowel sound, and "a" when it starts with a consanant sound. Which means it's "a historic day", not "an historic day". Or "a homonym", not "an homonym".

Worse yet is when these people try to justify their misuse of "an" by making the word after it sound like it starts with a vowel by making the "h" silent. So they'll actually say, "an istoric day". NO! It's "a historic day"!!!!!

OK, vent over. :D

And freeport, for the record--even though it was your post that brought this pet peeve to mind, I realize it was your co-worker, not you, that misused the word. So I hope you didn't feel unfairly singled out. :)
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My pet peeves:

Crapped out Hondas racing each other on the interstate

Suicide Bombers

Silent farts on a crowded elevator


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