Peter Jennings dies.

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I really hate to hear that. I knew he was battling lung cancer, but haven't heard anything about how he was doing.

He was a class act.
Brave exit. Rest in Peace, Mr Jennings.

Sitcom? Maybe 'CBS Evening with Dan Rather':

"This race is hotter than a Times Square Rolex."

"His lead is as thin as turnip soup."

"This race is hotter than the Devil's anvil."

"One's reminded of that old saying, 'Don't taunt the alligator until after you've crossed the creek.'"

"Bush is sweeping through the South like a big wheel through a cotton field."

"No question now that Kerry's rapidly reaching the point where he's got his back to the wall, his shirttails on fire and the bill collector's at the door."

"I know that you'd rather walk through a furnace in a gasoline suit than consider the possibility that John Kerry would lose Ohio."

"We used to say if a frog had side pockets, he'd carry a handgun."

"In southern states they beat him like a rented mule."

"This race is shakier than cafeteria Jell-O."

"He swept through the South like a tornado through a trailer park."

"Don't bet the trailer money yet."

"This race is tight like a too-small bathing suit on a too-long ride home from the beach."

"This will show you how tight it is — it's spandex tight."

"This race is as tight as the rusted lug nuts on a '55 Ford."

"What we know is that there will be no decision until some of those races are decided."

"The presidential race still hotter than a Laredo parking lot."

"It was as hot and squalid as a New York elevator in August."

"The big burrito out there in California"

"Frankly we don't know whether to wind the watch or to bark at the moon."

"We've lived by the crystal ball, we're eating so much broken glass. We're in critical condition."
Ah yes...PJ was definitely the one with the most, dare I say, credibility. But the only difference to Dufus Dan/Tom Brokejaw is that PJ is no longer breathing.

I must be the only one to see the network evening news for what it is...a joke on the American people.

No offense to PJ, but he was paid an awful lot to create good infotainment. I am not glad to see a man meet with his demise, nor am I satisfied with any of the replacement heads.

I hope that PJ isn't resting in peace. I hope that he made it to the real life...everlasting. Also, it is terrible to see that the tobacco industry has claimed another prize.

I must be the only one to see the network evening news for what it is...a joke on the American people.

You're not the only one. ;)
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Agree it is a total joke.... it is sad to know that a great many get their insight/information to what is going on in the world from the mainstream media.... it is a sitcom. Look at the news shows! They are practically a wrestling match, every one screaming and stepping on one another... just give me the FACTs (not your opinions) and let me decide.

Trac N Tennessee
all BS aside, a decent man died. it was his choice to smoke and I am sure he knew the dangers. He lived a good life and was most likely a happy man through out his life.
DiveTrac, regardless of what you thought of the man or his work when he was alive, it is totally tasteless to speak of or mock any fellow human this way this shortly after his death. Allow his family, friends, and fans their time of mourning.

For the record, I didn't watch him much, and didn't have strong opinions about him or his work either way. This isn't some liberal stance--I felt the same way about those who spoke so negatively about Reagan shortly after he passed. When anyone dies, regardless of what you or anyone thinks of them, there are others in this world who loved them and will miss them deeply, who deserve a time to grieve, without others pissing on their grave. Your second response seems to at least acknowledge this--but the first was out of line, IMHO.
I hoped they played the song "The Angry American" by Toby Keith at ol Peter's funeral. Sounds appropriate to me since ol' Peter Jennings wouldn't let Toby sing it on the 4th of July special a couple years back. Ohhh, and I hope they buried him in Canada. Don't foul up my countries soil with that useless POS.

It is sad to hear about someone getting lung cancer though. I guess he too believed in Kharma. After all, it couldn't of happened to a nicer guy.
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Geez, longarm. YOU have issues. How do you get through life with all that hatred festering inside? You must be fun to live with. :huh:

I was serious and sarcastic. I mean it. I was not bashing him in his demise. It is sad that he suffered through cancer and his family/friends are in my thoughts.

But I still think his life's work was least at the end (no offense...just honesty).

When <i>journalists</i> like PJ, Brokejaw, and Ratherlie present information like Bush has won the election and they are clearly and visibly upset...that is just ignorant. They need to be unbiased and present ALL of the facts...not taking the partial approach to paint a misleading story to back some BS agenda.

Peter Jennings helped to destroy our society by lying and spewing forth drivel and outright lies to mislead the American people. Too bad for him, the majority of Americans aren't as stupid as he and his employers think they are.

If my thoughts and honesty makes me lacking in good taste in yours (or anyone else's eyes) then, so be it. If we were sitting in a pub discussing this, you might not think that about me. You might see that I actually do care that he died (and probably suffered in great and terrible pain).

But if no one wants to face reality about the real situation...that isn't something I can help. I am not going to go and dance or urinate on his grave. I am not going to lambaste him as a person (I didn't know him). I am just calling into account his career and what he actually did infront of millions of Americans on a daily basis. It is in context.


As we hear from yet, another loyal viewer of Fox News - that bastion of integrity and accuracy.

Well, there you go making an a$$ out of you and umption. As you go wading through your menagerie BS drivel from your beloved thespians of infotainment, your thoughts are distorted and they force your mind into making assumptions about others.

Simply because I have great disdain for the spoon-feeding of heavily tainted, arsenic-laden drivel from the makers of such quality shows as Desperate Housewives, Survivor, and Fear Factor, you assume I am just like you in the consumption of your rival's network drivel.

Dude...pick yourself up and start to see what the truth really is. Get off your "me-vs-them" soapbox and try to see that you are snared, hook, line, and sinker. Break free.

There are many more news sources who can provide you with ALL sides/All angles of the stories. They can tell you all the facts. If they don't, find other sources to provide balance to the stories. Question why you are being told something. Read between the lines. Try to perceive the story-teller's angle.

Most news today is actually editorial commentary. <i>Journalists</i> hide behind severly biased statements by printing things like, "sources say" and "insiders tell us" so that they do not have to provide any veracity to their reporting.

Question the reporters. When you start applying this sort of thinking, you'll see through the BS that you have been spoonfed by the networks and the popular newspapers. Think about the stories you may have been directly involved in.

Remember those <i>minor</i> details that weren't quite accurate when that story was reported? Remember how you dismissed it as a simple mistake? Now, if you try to remove your own knowledge and re-read that story as someone who doesn't have any idea of what happened, you'll see that you are being forced (however unintentionally) to draw a different conclusion. What if the reporter has some bias and he leaves out a few <i>minor</i> tidbits of fact. The story is reshaped to force you into the reporter's intended conclusions.

I was aboard the USS Vincennes (CG-49) in July of 1988. I was sitting at a radar console on the morning of July 3rd. I saw everything transpire. What was reported and discussed for the decade following is such a mass distortion of the truth, it is sickening. I have seen this thing played out on various cable TV shows calling my CO and my shipmates criminals. It is amazing. All because they have their angle laced with shreds of facts, dismantled and reassembled into the story they want to tell. They sell loads of advertising in between segments for millions of dollars. Meanwhile, they care not of reporting the facts.

No, Eric...I learned my lesson on PJ and the other heads of network news oh so long ago. I am not what you accuse me of being. If you would like to swing by and accuse me of that in person, I would glady entertain that.

So go on and play your Dems vs Reps game with someone else. I don't play games. I don't choose sides in this pseudo battle.
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