Phone Tethering

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Kevin Lang

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
Reaction score
Pasadena, MD
So I got a new netbook, and it has bluetooth (via dongle) and I realized I could connect my ancient phone, and I wondered if anyone knew how to tether it, or how to go about doing it, in case Verizon doesn't want to let me. Samsung SH-U410, if anyone happen to be familiar with that dinosaur.

My friends and fam with Droids and Palms etc can tether in 2 seconds, it's irking me that I'm ignorant of this. (BTW droid does require a free app to tether)

Oh, does anyone know how to tether with an env3 with data plan on verizon? Since I also have access to one of them.

Before netbook, I could only use my laptop with an outlet, and in this day and age, outlets are generally accompanied by wifi :grin:
Tethering can be done a few ways, but in the end, it comes done to either using a data plan or your minutes.

I thethered my eNv for nearly 3 years before I went with the New Blackberry Storm 2, which I tethered for a few months then discovered I could drop the therther fee (15.00) and lower my minutes as i would use less (30.00) and then went with the MiFi that Version offers. I pay 50 bucks a month, you can tether it or let it act as a stand alone device. It is basically nothing more than a credit card sized box that allows you access to the internet. What I like about it is, 4 people at a time can use it is you allow them access to it wireless.

I use it with my iTouch all the time which basically turns it into the iPhone.

So, you have to decide if you want to burn minutes or pay for data. If you go the minutes way, you will not get GREAT speed but it isn't bad considering you are using a cell phone as a modem. If you do the data you can have broadband speeds which is the route I went. Also, the MiFi is broadband as well...
There are some programs for the Blackberry phone that let you teather for free. I tested one and it worked great, however it was illegal based on our contract with AT&T. They only charge an extra $10 a month for teathering service, but it is a bit too slow for our needs.

Teathering is rather slow unless you have a newer 3G or 4G network phine.

We have recently gotten some new Verizon 4G aircards that are very fast so my choice would be to get a 4G Aircard for your netbook and you can use it for any computer. I suspect that it will cost you about $40-$60 per month depending upon the contract.


Sadly, I don't have a data plan for my phone, but everyone else on the plan does, and with unlimited text it means that no one uses minutes much.

The Env3 I could play with has the (mandatory) 9.99/month data fee so it is good to go.

Seriously, I need to upgrade to some sort of "smartphone", but my current phone gets abused and scratched to Hell....if I had a Droid and it got scratched, considering its cost, I'd be physically pained.

Either that, or some sort of uber antennae, as it seems that the manual for my phone is devoid of info on how to tether, though it implies that it can do it :(
I have the Samsung Omnia on Verizon. I added WMWifiRouter software that turns my phone into a WiFi hotspot. Let's me have WiFI virtually anywhere.

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