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Rich Stern

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2000
Reaction score
Lawrenceville, GA
Check out the story in the link below.

It may be the biggest scientific breakthrough since the Wright Bros. took off at Kittyhawk.

Would be nice !!!!!

Todd Z
Will I have to run my fuel line through my radio?

Will my carb rust.

If I drive on the beach will the ocean catch on fire?

Will eveyone move to the sea?
Well I couldn't find anything on Snopes yet. I live on the Intercoastal Waterway in Florida. If you guys want to fill up your tanks now while its still cheap come on down. I hope they make a retrofit for my 1979 Chevy 350 boat motor. That thing drinks a lot of fuel. I alone will lower the water level down here.
I'm heading to the beach tomorrow and stocking up. Once word gets out there won't be any saltwater left.
It will be interesting to see the capabilities of the end result.

Fuel for example is combustive, that is why it works in an engine. The question is, will they be able to get salt water to a high enough temperature or burn rate to operate an internal combustion type engine or will be go back to some earlier version of the steam engine???
Coastie, I have no idea what the radio frequency gear looks like, and what kind of energy is required to cause the hydrogen to be liberated from the salt water. I think the key question is whether or not the hydrogen has to be ignited, or if it can be syphoned off and transferred to a separated energy generating process, as with a hydrogen cell.

The knock on hydrogen cells has been that it costs more energy to refine the hydrogen in the cell than it does to just do the same amount of work without hydrogen. But if the radio frequency doesn't require a lot of energy to generate, and the salt water freely gives up the hydrogren to a collection process...holy cow, it could be the end of dependence on oil. What a blessing that would be.
I would think the biggest application to this new technology would be in power generation. The majority of man-made greenhouse gases come from power generation, not cars. Since most people live near the coasts, and everywhere has access to salt water, the ability to bring power to places that never could have power is now much easier.

As the case is presented, it seems like a pretty safe way to make power as well, if used in a steam application. You would not have to have tons of volatile material (coal, petroleum, natural gas) stored on site, or in transport, nor would you have radioactive by-products. To stop the combustion, you stop the RF source. In a steam application, the biggest hazard would seem to be the pressurized steam itself.
Tiger, that's pretty much the way a nuke plant works. Steam via the heat of fission reaction.

In this case, they'd just pump the radio signal through the saltwater, ignite it, and it's off to the races. Several navies, including ours, have substantial experience in generating steam in a saltwater environment. If a power plant is on the coast and is pumping in saltwater, it can use the saltwater both for energy and steam.

I'm anxious to see where this goes. Hope it's not some sort of fusion power scam. We'll see.
One question, where does the energy required to generate the RF waves come from?

I figure he's using a RF generator that is powered by electricity, so you have to look at the energy balance (i.e. electrical energy in versus thermal energy out). If this system uses more energy to generate the radio waves than you get out of the burning hydrogen, I don't see much benefit. If the hydrogen can be captured without burning it for use in fuel cells, this method may be more efficient than electrolysis for hydrogen generation.
If this works, people will be praying for Global Warming just to get the higher ocean levels...

Just add Mortons salt to tap water!....mothballs, anyone?:p
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Rich, excellent point.

The issues have been with the storage and refining.

The potential here may change the world.

Time will tell. That and all of the oil companies that will fight it and pay the auto makers NOT to invest into the technoligy...
Me said:
I hope they make a retrofit for my 1979 Chevy 350 boat motor. That thing drinks a lot of fuel. I alone will lower the water level down here.

Look at it this way, you could drop a hose in the water and ride to Europe basically for free.:lol:

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