Pledge service to Obama

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I don't know the vocal "few".

In the Tulsa newspaper, it was stated that 80% were opposed to a mass viewing of the presentation.

Most school districts in Oklahoma will not be viewing it, due to the "overwhelming" opposition.

It's not a race or political thing. It's a lack of trust thing.

Only the arrogant and out of touch people won't be able to understand the reasoning, IMO.

I guess I'm arrogant and out of touch, because I have no problem with my children listening to their president, nor am I afraid of what he might say to them.

Still waiting for the non-arrogant, enlightened to answer my question:

What exactly are you afraid the president might say that your children either cannot handle, might be hurt from, or somehow might be negatively impacted by?

Maybe you can answer the question, Jerry?

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I think the answer is obvious if you read the info from the Department of Education.

Entire states all over the country have opted out of the viewing.

I think maybe we should have another civil war. Not because I think war is the answer, but because the way I see it those most willing and ready to fight such a war are the zealots on both sides...and if they killed themselves off this country would be a much better place for the rest of us.



If you say entire states are opting out, that's interesting, but it didn't answer my question.

The question still remains, what are people (seemingly like you) afraid of in the BHO message to students?

The question still remains, what are people (seemingly like you) afraid of in the BHO message to students?

TJR, have you considered it's not about the message, but the messenger?
Les asked:
TJR, have you considered it's not about the message, but the messenger?

Yeah, I have thought that might be part of the issue.

Again, when I went to school and when I was "raised up" by my parents, I was taught to respect and listen to authority. That especially meant the president. As I got older it became clear that by that upbringing my parents never told me, or even implied that I should not "question authority".

People here have said things like: "I give respect to those that have earned it!". Well, I wasn't raised that way. I was raised to give respect to all, especially authority.

Again, that doesn't mean to blindly follow, or to not question authority. It simply means to give authority, including the president of the United States, the respect and attention deserved.

I'm afraid few feel that way these days. I'm more afraid of people's inability to be civil in this country than I am in what BHO will do as president.

I don't agree with much BHO says or wants to do. I didn't vote for the man. But if he wants to address our children, and he makes available the talking points he is going to use in his address, then out of respect for the office I think that I and my children should listen.

I'm not going to be a parent that says: "You won't be listening to him...he is ruining our country!", and then simply not allow my children to listen. Nor will I be a person that has judged what the president is going to say before he even has a chance to say it.

Jerry Gilliland said

I think the answer is obvious if you read the info from the Department of Education.

Entire states all over the country have opted out of the viewing.

enlighten me please I don't see anything even remotely political in this document..

Sheltered children will always turn out the worst (IMO) expose them to anything and everything (within reason of course) and they will make life choices based on what they have learned from past events.

"You will not listen to the president's speech" = president bad

while you may feel this on is what about the next? or the one after? if they are all so bad why stay here?

Let your children learn, and grow from new experiences...

Have you seen the speech? Do you have a link to it? I wasn't aware a full transcript existed on-line. If one does, and people are reviewing it, and they are finding it political, then by all means, they should feel free to shield their children from it.

But I've heard the speech is going to be inspirational in nature, encouraging students to set and achieve goals for themselves, and it generally inspire them to excel in school.

I'm not sure how such a message is political, or partisan, or at all controversial.

Now, I guess if you simply don't trust that such will be the message, and that BHO will somehow use the speech to further his agenda, endoctrinate and push his politics then I can understand that. I for one don't live my life in fear of what MIGHT happen...for if I did, I would succumb to the paralysis of analysis.

TJR, no, I checked earlier and no speech is available yet. What JD was referring to was the link above regarding the "assignment" and recommended activities before and after the speech. I can't imagine after all the hoopla, that the speech will reflect any politacal agenda. Nothing wrong with "hey kids, this is your President, study hard and do good in school". I think the constant intrusion by the current administration into everyone's personal lives has reached it's limits and that is the reaction your are witnessing.
These kids need to study hard and prepare to get very good-paying jobs so they can help pay for the 6+ million on medicare, the 47 million we have to start paying for health insurance premiums, the Wall street investor/banker bailouts, and the money needed to keep propping up General Motors and Chrysler since investors do not see anything of value to invest in there.

These school kids BETTER study hard and get good jobs for another reason too: Us old folks will be retiring and the Social Security we have been paying into all our lives will all be gone- so these kids better pay hard to support us.
Les said:
I think the constant intrusion by the current administration into everyone's personal lives has reached it's limits and that is the reaction your are witnessing.

Oh, really!

What constant intrusion into personal lives are you talking about?

I'm 100 miles away from Washington D.C. and BHO and his people have YET to intrude into my personal life.

I'm really, really not sure what you are talking about.

If anyone intruded into our personal lives it was the last admin with the patriot act. If they even have an inkling that you are doing something funny business they will have access to anything and everything.

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OK then, just read the speech and can now say, let them participate.

BUT, I do have my suspicions that this wasn't the initial script proposed to be heard. Call me paraniod or whatever but that is what I believe. Just like a lot of other past initiatives that once made public, were whittled away to acceptance. Not unlike the Healthcare thing going on.
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Les said:
Then you are not paying attention.

Les, I've been called out of touch, and now accused of not paying attention.

But it is I that am talking about these subjects unemotionally, intelligently, and in a thought provoking way.

I asked you a question, and instead of answer it intelligently you retort with an accusation.

Like I said, I don't like BHO's policies; I think his stimulus packages have been reckless and ineffective (and I knew they would be); I think his healthcare plan is a big joke and has no chance of passing.

However, he and his adminstration hasn't intruded into my personal life in the past 8 months. Anyone that can say that he has and the administration has, I would like to hear about...with credible, real examples, not hyperbole.

I asked you a question, and instead of answer it intelligently you retort with an accusation.

Geez TJR, didn't realize you are so sensitive, I'm sorry. I guess until BHO himself knocks on your door, your personal life is unaffected by the current administration.
Les said
Geez TJR, didn't realize you are so sensitive, I'm sorry. I guess until BHO himself knocks on your door, your personal life is unaffected by the current administration.

I'm not sensitive; I'm just a person who reads what is written and assumes that people that write it mean what it says.

You used the words: "constant intrusion into personal lives". My "personal life" has not be "intruded" on by the current adminstration. I submit that anyone says that theirs has is being hysterical...but I would still entertain any real examples.

Then you used the words (paraphrasing) "personal life (un)affected". Sure, I'll grant you that. My personal life is affected by the president and his administration. My anxiety level is high(er) because of what they are doing. I am watching closely what they are doing, reading and listening to information from many sources. Some of the policies are having affects (negative, positive, not sure) on the economy and that is affecting me personally.

But is the president or the current administration INTRUDING? Nope, that hasn't happened yet.

Just to clarify how I see the difference, consider this example: People walking by my house AFFECT me (I watch them, for example)....but people INTRUDING into my house have a significant, negative impact on me.

So, yes, the president and his administration are affecting me, but not in an intrusive manner.

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