Plug in cooler...

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Curtis Farris

Feb 1, 2005
Reaction score
Meriden, KS
I was wondering if any of you have thos coolers that plug into the truck to keep it cold or warm. I got a gift that I will never use from Target and was thinking about exchanging it for one of those coolers. How long would it take for one of those to run down your battery? I travel a lot from north east kansas to southeast kansas, to coach baseball and see the girlfriend. Most of the time I pack my lunch and some drinks around 12 before I head to the field. Then around 7-9 o'colck I head down to southeast kansas. During the baseball game, will i run the risk of that cooler draining my battery? I guess you did not need to know all of that, but I felt like I had to explan it so it could be answered the best it can be.
Shouldn't be a problem. I have one, and used it on a trip from CA to TN a few years back. I seem to recall turning it off at night, but left it on during stops throughout the day.

Some of those coolers have circuitry that prevents it from draining your battery completely, too.
I have one and left it plugged in overnight one time. Battery was dead flat in the A.M. If it is cooled down before the game, just unplug it while the truck is shut off. It will stay cool long enough to enjoy the game. What I do is hook up the cooler to a battery charger that I have in my garage to cool down the container before I load it up with stuff.
i got the one from target, and a coleman powermate. the trick i use is to put several of those gel freezer pacs in the cooler too, so that when you unplug it for the night, the stuff in the cooler is still cool...
I use one all the time to keep my soil samples cool. You can leave it on for about 3 hours in the trac before your battery starts to get low. I usually run it when driving (a couple of hours or more) and then unplug when I get to my location that I will be at for more then 3 hours, then plug it in when I take off again.. Things stay pretty cool in there. I do that in the summer and have not needed the freezer packs because the items in the cooler stay cold enough.