poor kitty

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Active Member
Jan 1, 2005
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Logan, UT
Did you see about this poor kity. To think someone would do this. I know there are cat haters, but I never heard of a dog hater who would miss treat a dog.
Cats are very independent animals. Someone else's cat usually ends up sitting on your vehicle. :angry: I'm NOT a cat hater, had several myself. I AM mostly a dog person though. If you have a pet, whatever it is, you should be responsible for it. BUT, nobody should abuse ANY animal .... no excuse for it. :smack:Abuse an animal and you should be locked up (in a cell with a very amorous Bubba :banana:).

If you haven't seen dogs mistreated/abused then you haven't opened your eyes.:banghead:
I saw that on our news. I cant figure out the cruelty of some people.

Including the ones that may not do this, but laugh about it...:fire:
I believe WI either allows the shooting of feral cats, or they have been proposing it (if not other places). The reason being is that cats (worldwide) left outdoors kill 500 million to 1 billion birds a year. Most of these are in areas where cats are not the usual predator. I'm not saying I would shoot a cat, but I know there are people out there that love to see birds, and they absolutely hate feral cats.
I don't have sound on my computer at work so I didn't hear if it was someones pet or not. But if the cat was outside and not on private property, one may assume that it was feral cat, especially since there doesnt' appear to be a collar around this cat's neck:

For Felis silvestris catus, the domestic cat, there is a very large group of individuals which holds an uncertain status somewhere between "wild" and "domestic." (Click here for a brief biological summary). Feral cats have been defined as cats which were once domesticated, but were abandoned, lost, or ran away. Because the environmental variables acting upon the descendants of such cats are essentially identical to those which act upon wild animals, first generation "feral" cats are properly called "stray," and only later generations "feral." The distinction between a wild animal and a feral animal lies in the typically urban habitat of feral animals and the fact that members of the species are traditionally domesticated. Aside from tradition, in areas sparsely occupied by people there is little reason to call a wild-born cat "feral," as opposed to "wild."

Adult feral cats are nearly impossible to domesticate, while strays are sometimes re-socialized. Feral kittens, however, can be socialized before they reach about twelve weeks old. Feral cats often form colonies, or clowders, in a particular location around a common food source, such as a dumpster, open garbage dump, or where people offer handouts. The colony size is necessarily dependent on the size of the food source. Abandoned or lost domestic cats often join feral colonies out of necessity, the only readily available food source having been claimed by the colony.
We have a small family of feral cats on our property and welcome them. They keep the field mouse population in check, which in turn keeps snakes away. We have been trying to get rid of the male tom cat, though. We don't want any more.
I know about feral cats. I bought in one. They are anti-social and very territorial, but he is still my pet and I would never just shoot an arrow at a feral. My point it that it is perfectly fine to express hated toward cats while no one ever seems to make joke about how much they hate dogs. We hear dead cat jokes but not dead dog jokes. I find cats to be very loyal pets. Just as loyal as dogs. They just don't express themselve like dogs, which is what you would expect.
Cats suck, dogs rule!

Seriously though, I find it somewhat arbitrary how we put our domesticated (pet) animals on a pedestal.

I guess I abuse animals all the time. For example; I'm having cow and chicken for dinner. Can't abuse something much more than killing it then eating it, IMHO.

One person's cat is another person's chicken, right?

Just something to consider.

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Thomas, Taste like chicken, huh........my bad

I have a cat I adopted after huricane Ike. Just a tiny kitten, stumbling in a freinds yard. Morning after the storm. She has been very loyal to me. Likes making road trips with me. We are up at the lake house now.
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That's very sick. A feral cat would not be purring and laying on it's back when touched. Another sicko who might move up on the food chain with his next killing.

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