My '01 Gen 2 ST has never had the power steering fluid changed. Does anyone know what the factory color should be? The oil change technician said it should be clear and it was a dark red color. Thanks for the replys.
Normally is should be red or pink. Most power steering systems use ATF. If the oil change "techincian" happens to be at a Valvoline Quicky-Lube, well, Valvoline p/s fluid IS clear so maybe he thinks it's all supposed to look that way. Or he's just trying to make some more money by upselling a p/s flush. Which is fine if it needs it, nothing wrong with flushing the p/s every 50k or so. The Quickly-Lube can do it in one shot, I do mine by draining the pump with a turkey baster and refilling it every day for a week.