Powertrain dead at 42,000

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Spoke with Ford today, they didnt really say they would help but they didnt really say they wouldn't. I had it towed a second time to the local ford dealer where monday for $140 they claim they will diagnose it and estimate repairs. I dont see how they are going to figure out much more than we already have unless they totally tear it down.

I remember why i stopped participating in the forum so much now. I see you guys still cant keep a thread on topic. Thats pretty dissapointing. I would think that you all might be interested in such a catastrophic engine failure at such a low mileage. My confidence in the sport trac just went out the window.
BTW We did establish the cam is locked up, nothing spinning or moving and inch.
The problem is because of the way the site works, new posts should be brought to the top. yours is buried, as mine will be, never to be seen.

Is your serp belt turning?

There is a preferences tab, You can set it to put the new posts on top...


Sorry you feel that way, I do see threads getting off topic a lot also, but I can not lock every thread that does that, then i will be attacked as I was a little while ago..

Some members get ticked off at others and simply cant not keep from posting, they want to say their piece.

Again, Sorry to hear about the motor, Hopefully it is just a bad follower or a lock nut came loose and jammed the cam....

Please keep us posted on how the repair goes..

Todd Z
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Chadmerry, you said:
That sucks to hear the 1-2k it would have costed you, would have probably paid for itself in 1 visit
You don't get it do you? You see Ford has been playing with your "1-2K" while i'm earning interest on mine because it's still in my pocket. Do you realize that for your "1-2K" you've already paid for a new motor and your just sitting around hoping one day you'll get it. Tell you what, next time just send that "1-2K" to me and let me play with it while you sit around hoping that one day you'll get to use it. :lol: Also, Lil Red has more than one vehicle in his stable so he's not stressing over the FREE rental car that Chadmerry already paid for with his "1-2k". :lol: You keep reading Lil Red's post and you'll eventually get it! But until then, I hope you eventually get to use that "1-2k". ROFLMAO
HD......sorry to hear about your Trac prob's......I have owned a Ford for many years now, but I still don't put much trust in their service centers. They have given me more than my share of "run-arounds" over various mechanical or electrical probs with my cars/trucks. They charge way too much for their services compared to the "stand-alone" guys such as a tranny or tune up shops, etc.

I will only go to the dealership if it's something that is still under warranty.....I think there are better techs to be found elsewhere.....many here on this site :)

Sorry your tweeked about posts getting "off-track", I'll admit that I have done it myself depending on the topic, but also try to refrain from it. Sorry.
Things happen. For every engine that dies at a young age, there are hundreds of thousands that last well over 100,000 miles. It is mechanical and things happen. Metal breaks and things fail. I know it will not make you feel any better, but it is a fact of life.

Children get sick with cancer and die at a young age. That does not mean all people will get cancer and die too.

Hopefully it is something that can be resolved.

Another thing to add to the FAQ Todd. Also, if you delete your cookies/cache it will reset your preferences here. - Just a thought.
HD BoB, that's a real shame! I hope FORD does steps up and help you out with this. They may want to investigate more to determine why the malfunction happened. Info like that can only HELP FORD engineers in the future. Lets hope they/FORD will be proactive in their thinking. *in some mechanical ways they have not been* It really ticked me off when Nelson's 03 failed and then his 04! just before or just after the warranty ran out.

Caymen, I didn't buy nor have I ever bought the ESPs as well. fingers crossed xxxx for my ST! :)

I owned two '04s. The first was at the beginning of the model year, the second was a left over from the previous model year. Both were bought new. The first was an XLT 2WD. It was defect-free until I started getting the tranny slip around 30K. I took it in several times at two different dealships, but both said they could not duplicate the problem. At 35,900 miles, I traded the first ST off to the dealership. My second ST was a XLT Premium 4WD. I loved that truck more than any vehicle I ever owned, but mechanically it was a lemon. After owning it for a year and some months, I traded it for my Mazda3, because I was tired of things breaking and gas prices were killing me.
I owned two '04s

i KNEW that looked funny when I've typed 03..and I typed that in a couple of different threads! Sorry Nelson...I was trying to remember "and I never think of SEARCH" but I was trying to remember what made your STs stand out with issues! :) My 04 keeps trac'n along no major issues, guess I got lucky! :)

HD_Bob, I hope it all goes your way!
Extended Warranties are joke, IMO. Poeple get all excited when they only have to pay $50 to fix a major repair, but fail to remember they put out thousands in the begining.

Extended Warranties for cars...:lol: