I never have any smoke from my 2002 ST and it has 150,00 miles with the v6 4.0
I did when I first got her and the former owner used synthetic oil and I switch to regular oil 5w40 and no longer have smoke
I would try changing to regular oil for one time and see if the smoke goes away
Synthetic oil is a great cleaner and really doesn’t do anything to help seals to stay soft
I know this for a fact, as I’m a retired/ disabled master tech of 40 plus years
Working on everything from fords to million dollar show cars and rebuilding and maintaining massive power plant motors for Large machinery. With synthetic oil it will find any and all leaks and hard seals and show the signs of old and warn seals
Just give it a try, it will not hurt your engine
The tails of ( you can never change from regular oil to synthetic or synthetic to regular oil are uneducated rumors )
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