Pulling an All-Nighter... Best Energy Drink???

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The Boss

Dec 14, 2005
Reaction score
, MO
Alright, as you can tell by the 5 am posting, i'm pulling an all-nighter. one more final in 4 hours, then i'm home free (freshman year of college will be over, and i get to spend a nice little 9 hour drive with just me and the trac. good times.) so anyways, i'm getting ready to go to the gas station to get a couple energy drinks. so gimme some suggestions. first couple ones to be posted will be the ones i get. so........ get after it! haha. thanks.
Captain Morgan & pineapple juice...after 4 or 5 of those, I feel like ----ing Superman :p
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alright, well unfortunately on a dry (and i mean dry, very very very dry campus) i couldnt really get some captain right now (i swear i've never drank on campus though before. :lol: ) but anyways. i went and got monster khaos, and it's doing me pretty well. my final is in 2 more hours, and in about an hour and a half i'm going to chug a red bull that i bought. i hope my heart doesn't fail on me. haha i think for my drive home i might try to find the sobe nofear. anyways, thanks for the study break. laters.
There have been studies showing that one of the effects of sleep is to archive short-term into long-term memory. Further studies have shown that people's ability to recall long-term memory is superior than that of short-term memory recall.

Put those two together, and it would say that cramming for tests by pulling an all-nighter, if in fact that all-nighter has you attempting to learn and memorize new materials is often counter-productive.

Plan ahead, keep up in class, do all the homework, and study as you go...and get plenty of rest.

Oh, and drink Red Bull.

Pull into a GNC and get a sample packet or bottle of "Spike" by Biotest. GOOD stuff w/o the jitters. Keeps me attentive on the road. :cool:
Agree with TJR regarding the long term. However, when it came to crunch time, and I hadn't kept up as well as I could have, I always found it better to be tired but well prepared, than to be well rested but not as well prepared. Amazing how much ou cna learn in one good all-nighter!

Oh, and good old coffee was my beverage of choice.
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well, i took my final and lets just say i was very very very attentive. i took a 100 question test in 15 minutes. haha first one done. but i aced it, so it's all good. i think i'm going to write all these suggestions down for next time i have to stay up late, and see how they all work.

i do keep up in class, i never miss one, but it's the last one of the year and i figure i can study now and sleep later. i've been going strong on about 30 hours now, so we'll see. the last thing of red bull is wearing off, so thats no good. but anyways, thanks again for the suggestions. later.
Yeah, just had our finals this week too. Pulled all nighters on Tuesday night and Friday night, and I ended up getting A's and B's on my finals. I went through a case of Vault, which is basically Surge with a different name. 12 of those and a few Krispy Kreme donuts and I was wide awake til early Sunday morning.

Funny side note, one question asked about a specific lecture, and I just had no idea, but I remembered the speaker talking about Pink Floyd and "Dark Side of the Moon" in the lecture, so I wrote 2 BS pages about the meaning and the time period, and my favorite songs, and then I listed a few other albums and talked about them too. Got half credit :D as opposed to a 0 on that question.
Careful with drinking all these energy drinks. My buddy did that for a few days and had to go to the hospital.
Yeah, the Monster Energy Drink can says on the side...

"Consume responsibly... limit 3 cans per day not recommended for children, pregnant women or people sensitive to caffeine."
Maybe I'm strange, but energy drinks don't work for me. I drank a RedBull the morning of my finals and it did seem to help me stay more attentive throughout the day through the mental strain, but it didn't make me jittery, blitzed, or whatever else.
Theres a new one i picked up today, ( havnt tried it yet), Its called 5 hour energy. Its about the size of a shot. Its supposed to do complete wonders as of energy. Its made by Chaser. Kind of scared me, so I am wating for the right time to drink it.


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