Question about the oil filter for my riding mower

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user 64972

Well-Known Member
4 wheel drive
2nd Gen owner
V8 Engine
Dec 23, 2006
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There is a lot of good info here about small engine issue. Here's my question. I have a rider mower with a B&S 18 HP Intek motor. It takes an oil filter that is around $10.00 each. It looks just like the filter that I use on my '03 Monte Carlo V-6. Can I use the cheaper automotive one on the rider? It matches the B&S filter by all appearances from the outside? Anyone have any experience or thoughts why it wouldn't work?

Thanks for any info,

'07 ST:banana:
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As Caymen said, if the threads and gasket are the same size, you will be fine. Heck, take it to a store and match things up. Not a bad idea. Most things for lawnmowers are marked up in prices so they make you think they are special.
most auto parts stores can cross reference a B&S oil filter to a NAPA filter, etc., some books even do it for hanging at the oil filter rack. If the mower is still under warranty, might consider spending the $10, cheap insurance imo.
Mower is out of warranty and the gasket diameter and threads appear to be exact.
Thanks....looks like it should work!:supercool: