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Travis Bendel

Jul 13, 2005
Reaction score
Jacksonville, AR
I was wondering what any of you thought I could sell my Sport Trac for...

It is a 2005 XLT, Dark Stone in color, tan interior. 1300 miles. No added options to my knowledge. No damages, defects, excellent condition. Thank you before hand for your responses.
I seriously doubt you will even make your money back. With the deals that are being offered and not having your interest rate added to the sale of the figure (buying it new from a dealer vs buying used from a public seller) it may be a tuff sale.

How important is it to you to break even???
With current dealer incentives it should be selling brand new off the lot for approx. $25,000.00. Unfortunately you will never see that amount. As we all know depreciation is immediate, the second you adjust the seat and your review mirrror for the first time the price dropped to $20,000.00. My one suggestion to you would be to not put another single mile on it. Don't even drive it around the corner for a pack of smokes. Any additional miles should be from test drivers only. There is a perception of mileage or at least in my mind there is. Stick below 1999 and you have yourself a brand new vehicle for sale, reach that 2000 mark and I know that vehicle has been driven, reach 3000 miles and you have yourself a used car.:(

P.S....Remove the floor mats and make sure they appear to be in perfect unused condition (shampoo them). My floor mats showed use after only two weeks of using them. I am currently shopping for a set on Ebay to keep in storage.
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I had that many miles before I made the first payment. Is there something about the truck that the dealer hid from you, that now makes you want to get rid of it?

I think with the above mentioned thoughts that your best bet would be for someone to take over your payments.

I would list it in your local paper as a "Must Sell, Take Over Payments" and see what happens. I really do not see you breaking even any other way, (on top of the money you have already spent).
I would be happy with getting $21305. $17k is way to low in my mind. The dealer didn't hide anything from me, my own common sense did. It is just too expensive. My wife and I pay over $800 a month on cars/car insurance and that is WWAAYY to high for me. I need to call the bank tomorrow and find out what my pay off is cause that is how much I owe. Correct????
Ask the bank for a seven day pay off because there is a daily interest amount that gets tacked on everyday between payments. And, it's doubtful you will pay it off the same day as you get the number from the bank.

They may give you a number, plus a daily interest amount. Something like...balance is 16,567.80 plus the daily interest is $2.31. This way, it's easy to figure a pay off several days from the date of the call.

Interest due as well??? I want to find out how much I owe on the truck, and just the truck, so if I was to sell it, how much the buyer would need a loan for.... Follow me??
I know you don't want to hear this but, it is not very likely that you will get as much as you owe. Once it's been titled it's a used vehicle and will only get a used vehicle price. The most you can hope for is blue book retail. It seems to me you ought to know how much you paid for it. If you've only made a payment or two, then you still owe just about that much less a couple hundred...maybe.
I hear you man but you know how some people are with buying cars. I sold my '90 CRX with no engine and a transmission that was shot for 1500 dollars when it was probably worth 12. Some kid or someone would probably but it for 21k.
Here's a loose 'rule-of-thumb'. Assume you paid 25K and signed the papers and drove off. Before you got home it was worth 20 percent less than the negotiated price!!! That gets you somewhere close to 20K. After the first year it depreciates another 10-12 percent and brings you in at the mid 17's. And the formula (give or take a few percentage points along the way) goes on an on each year that passes by!!!! This is assuming that the vehicle is kept in pristine condition, the buyer really wants it and is as close to stock as practical at the date of sale. It's a cruel world..............................

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