Quick blurb about national meet @ Louisville 2008 !!!

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Todd Z

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Long Island, NY
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Real quick,

I have been talking with the new marketing manager from Ford. He is not as responsive as the previous managers were, but we are slowly planning things....

The dates are still going to be Fathers day weekend June 13th and 14th.....

We will reach out to the Farm and see if the dates are good and there should be the plant tours again.....

More details will be worked out, but I just did not want to leave people in the dark..

Thanks to everyone who made 2006 a great meet !!!

Todd Z
Sounds good Todd, but why put it on Father's day weekend. People are going to want to spend it with their fathers, and might not be able to go.

Click on the "Surveys" tab at left and go to the "2008 National Meet". You will see that over 50 % of the folks who responded to Todd's post about this subject, chose the Father's Day date. Todd seems to try to please the majority and that is about all he can do.

Gary G
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I know that it was voted on, it was more of a question to everyone, then to Todd himself, Sorry if it didn't sound that way..


It actually sounds like a great "reason" for the wife to let the father go do something he likes...;);):lol::lol:


Thank you, we will contact you if any thing is needed locally there...


We had people drive from Canada, California, Texas and us from NY all made the trip... I do agree it is a long drive, but it is soo fun !!!! :D:D:D

Todd Z

Hey Woppy you can meet up with us and join the convoy down!!!

Should be blast!!

Paul H
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