Radar Detectors What Do You Recommend?

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According to a Georgia State trooper buddy of mine, the +1 mph tickets happen, especially by the smaller (read poorer) counties and townships. And if they can bust somebody transporting drugs at the same time - bonus (because there's a reward-sharing plan with the state/feds).

I'm kind of with the guys who stay within the "legal tolerance" - 7-9 mph over is plenty fast for me. I cut it down to +3-4 mph once I'm off the interstate though.

I would be interested in hearing from the LEO's here on how they handle highway packs (of vehicles that are speeding) when they happen upon them.
My pet peeve with regards to speed traps is the speed trap on a major highway that has the local town Barney Fife's setup and catching people. I don't think this is right, persay, because what this practice creates is variation with regards to enforcement and areas that are speed traps. I think that it should be up to the state highway patrols to monitor highways of any significant size, and in that way that highway is more likely to be uniformly enforced. The way it works now is you have some townships that simply are trying to pad their coiffers (sp?) and they are more than overzealous when it comes to enforcement...like when a local cop up by Jim Thorpe PA said I was doing 86 in a 65...and I had my wife and kids in the car and was 100% sure I was going no more than 70. He said he followed me for a mile and tracked my speed. I know that wasn't true. I fought it and got it lowered to 75mph...10 mph over, and that was still points on my license. The guy was a major tool...but he was one guy...I assume all patrolmen aren't like him.

I've always wanted a radar detector but as Ed mentioned, they are illegal in Virginia. If I do happen to get pulled over for speeding, I don't want something illegal costing me even more money.
To answer some of the questions/comments.

Jeff C, yes cops do look for radars, some more thoroughly then others, it is likely that most would not spot yours, I do not often look to hard but most people have them on the dash or middle of the windshield. Im not sure where your inspection sticker(s) is on your vehicle but an officer looking at that might spot your dectector. Yes that is a good way to get out of a ticket, even better to admit what you were doing wrong not just that you are a dumba** lol. This will not always work as many officers especially state agencies will write you a ticket no matter what. They do not have the power of discretion that other departments have and basically write a ticket for every stop.

RichardL you make a good point that your radar, since it is not visible, will not affect the decision of the officer. I am not here to debate the legally of radar dectectors we all know that they are legal. I just wanted to give my opinion and make a truthful statement that many officers factor the presence of a radar dectector into their decision to write or not write a ticket. "If you are going to fast to not slow down in time" is not really an accurate statement since the effectiveness of the radar depends on many factors, a good radar detector will give you early enough warning most of the time so that you could be going any speed and still be able to slow down in time. If your radar prevents a ticket then yes it did its job, If an officer gives you a ticket then he/she did their job, only one makes the highways safer. That is if the giving of the ticket doesn't just prompt you to get a better radar dectector so that the next time you will be able to slow down whenever an officer is around:p

I disagree with some policies and actions of some officers and departments as much as anyone else and I am not saying that I always drive the speed because I dont. To be honest I generally practice a 10mph over the limit rule and do not feel bad about it as I would not write someone a ticket for that speed and in most cases it is not an unsafe speed. Speed limits are set for a reason not just so the cops will have something to stop you for as there are much more important jobs for us to do but the safety of our highways are just part of the job.

I can appreciate someones desire to make sure they are not all of a sudden hit with having to pay a $200 plus speeding ticket but in general I feel that having a radar dectector prompts people to travel faster especially once they have had it for a while and have tested its effectiveness. This is not true of all people. This entry is getting way to long and I have reports to write.

PS everyone with an ST gets a warning, just kidding.
valentine 1 here. and it works great. the only one better is the K40 buts its a lot more expensive. plus they will pay any ticket u get

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