I love driving... It's the other people on the road I hate!!! lol
Rodger, I hear ya! When I drive to L.A. & back every year to go to Long Beach, the WORST drivers are in Stockton! But once you get to L.A., they KNOW how to drive in trafffic at speed. I have no problems driving down there, but once I get back up here to Sac, the insanity begins again...
In trying to keep from road raging too badly and telling these 'flatliners' that they're #1, I now keep a California Driver's Handbook in the door pocket, and I wave that at them and point at them and then the book, like 'You need to read this, it will help you!!" That usually pisses 'em off worst than flipping them off, and it's not illegal. And I LIKE driving in Italy. Done it on a couple of occasions, and they drive like I do, so I'm happy over there! They pass on curves. They pass in tunnels. They pass on curves IN tunnels!!! I LOVE IT, YA!
And I don't think I'll EVER be able to drive in Germany... It's a $500 fine for using 'gestures' towards other drivers. It would cost me MILLIONS of euros to drive there!!! lol