Rear brake job

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eric kohring

Apr 2, 2010
Reaction score
toledo, OH
Has anyone ever done a rear brake job on thier ST? ( I am sure someone has). My 2001 has had the brakes done once about 5 years ago and I think I am due soon it has about 145000 miles on it . Anyway I was wondering about the difficulty level having never done on,, but I have changed the shocks and done regular front brakes on it.

Appriciate the help!

Aloha Eric,

Not a big deal to change. A little harder than the fronts 'cause of the emergency brake. Just take apart one side at a time so you can use the other side to see how they go back together. Lube things as they go back together, everything works better with a little lubricant.

God bless Ed
Justtake a drum off and measure the thickness of the pad. If it is less then 2mm, change them. I go by visual, if the pad is the same thickness as the metal it's glued to, then change them.
Tool kits to remove the drum brake springs are fairly inexpensive, some parts stores have a free tool loan program. The proper tools are easier to use than vice grips.

When installing new shoes, the one that faces toward the front of the vehicle should have a shorter pad then the one facing the rear. Good luck, I remember my first drum brake job, I didnt know if things were going to shoot out when I pried that drum off. :fire:

Rear drum brakes dont work very hard in case you get new shoes that dont have much friction material on them. :sad:

I have done so many drum brakes. That vise grips, needle nose, regular pliers and scewdriver are faster for me than the tools made for it...LOL

Be sure to clean and lube the threads on the star adjuster.

shorter pad then the one facing the rear

Sometimes they are the same, but. The rear facing shoe is a harder material.
yeah rear brakes are drums...thanks guys makes me feel like i got my next saturday filled out for the week...I'll let you know how it goes
