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I could care less about the Red Sox (even though Tim Wakefield is a friend of mine), but I must say....Yankee fans are the most obnoxious group of fans in this country. Must feel good to jump online and spend moments out of your life trying to get others riled up.
I agree Jenn... must be a very 'warm' feeling to kick other fans when they are down.

But hey, coming from a team that last won a world series in 2000, they sure ain't getting the results for the major cashola they be layin out.
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Don't matter what you say. The Chicago White Sox are going all the way, so don't get your hopes up Yankees fans.;javascript:insertAtCursor(document.forms['MESSAGEFORM'].MESSAGE,';)')):angry:javascript:insertAtCursor(document.forms['MESSAGEFORM'].MESSAGE,':angry:') As long as the Yankees don't win it all I'll be happy....And I'll be one of the first to admit it.....the Yankees aren't gonna win it all either.:pjavascript:insertAtCursor(document.forms['MESSAGEFORM'].MESSAGE,':p');)

In 2002, I saw a game in every MLB stadium in the country. (No I'm not kidding.) And based on that experience, I'm going to have to disagree with you. There are many teams that have much more obnoxious fans than the Yankees. Although they had some close competitors, the worst I ran into (on a whole) were those of the Oakland A's. And the worst individual fan I saw was actually a Padres fan.

The Yankee fans I met were actually very helpful and cordial. (And they were even playing the Red Sox the day I saw them!)

Their ushers and staff, on the other hand, were far and away the worst in baseball. In fact, I have trouble believing any team in any sport anywhere has fan assitance staff worse than these people.

Granted, I'm basing my opinions not on any team's "fans" in general around the country, but just those that happened to be at the stadium the day I was there. Still, I think it was an accuarate enough feel to say that both Red Sox and Yankees fans get an unfair bad rap...

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I am also happy to see the Sox lose since they swept my beloved Cardinals last season.

and here the Yankees get the early game today, and the Astros-Braves series gets the Primetime spot on TV. The Cards-Padres game starts at 10pm St. Louis time.

A team that finishes with the best record in baseball this season gets to play when most of its fans can't watch. What's wrong with that picture?

Bill V, you are the man and I am jealous of you. My brother and I are eventually going to try a trip like that to see every stadium. Congrats on the trip and I am glad you cashed in on a dream. Awesome.

I am a die hard Yankee fan. I don't hate the Red Sox like alot of Yankee fans, but it is nice to have a rival and I do talk my share of smack when I get the chance. Last year was epic with the way they came back against the Yankees. Is sucked as a Yankees fan, but I am happy for Boston and all of their fans that they won. Not only that, by combing back against the Yankees, it almost seems like that is the way it should have been. The greatest comeback in sports came from the Red Sox and against their Arch Rival. After that, I knew they would sweep in the Worls Series. (sorry Fletch) But bothing lasts forever. I think alot of people underestimate the White Sox. But, we will see what the future hold. That's why they play the games.


Go Yankees
Fletch--My understanding is that the MLB contracts with the broadcasters assured that there would be in prime time on the west coast today--8pm Pacific, 11pm Eastern. Despite the fact that I agree with you that it's not the best for Cardinals fans, I think MLB made the right choice of game to put at that time. After all, that game starts at 8pm locally--if either of the other series remaining were to be started at that time, it would be either 10pm or 11pm locally, which I don't believe they're even allowed to do.

Don't worry--your Cards will get plenty of prime time coverage in the next series or two! :D
Darwin ,Jenn d

Must feel good to jump online and spend moments out of your life trying to get others riled up.

Well i'm Sorry u both feel that way it 's all in good fun. It's not about getting people like u both upset , In college" don't u talk smack about other Foot ball team etc, i'm sorry if u guys don't have the fun in u to talk about sports without getting so serious, like they say life is to short to get mad DARWIN JENN D:p:p:lol::lol:
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My name is DARIN, but then I guess you may have trouble with proper English. I'm not mad.... I actually pity you.
Darwin Darin is doesn't matter like a said u have serious issue if u got upset over my comment about the Red Sox . I can tell that u are a fun person to be around DARWIN DARIN

I think u need get out some more pal:lol::lol::p:p
Wow " it is ok for you to talk smack about Swooners ....but you gave me crap for talking about the Red Sox .what a hypocrite:p:lol:
We can't win them, all and it's funny how they all get paid the same even if they lose...I am not fond of Yankees fans living in New England...maybe you should move to that my Sox have lost I'll root for the other Sox...