Refilled with too much Mercon V

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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2004
Reaction score
L.A., CA
I dropped the pan and changed the trans filter this afternoon and when I was pouring in the sixth bottle of Mercon V fluid it started overflowing from the filler and also pour out from the drain pipe below. I checked the fluid level (moved the gears around, warm engine, idle) and the fluid is past the cross-hatched area about two inches. I'm about to drive the Trac around a bit to see if more will drain out and hopefully that's all I need to do to bring it back down to the proper level. If not, how bad will this affect my trans? What's the best way to remove excess fluid without dropping the pan? I do have a drain plug on the pan but will the bolt seal properly when I reinstall it with fluid running?
Open the pan plug and catch a couple of quarts into a clean container. There's no pressure in the pan so there shouldn't be a leak when you reinstall the plug. Leave it on finger tight, then start the engine and check level; if still too much drain a little more. If low then put back some of what you just took out. When level's correct tighten the drain plug.
Trac 511 Vic is right, drain some out! Too much fluid will cause foam and make the transmission slip. Ed
It will also leak out for the next year or so if you don't drain it.

The shop that replaced my tranny told me that they always overfill when new just in case there is a bubble or something in the fluid lines that might give a false reading.

It dripped a small spot on my driveway for a year until the level was correct.
Now there's a new one. I've never heard of overfilling trans fluid on purpose, then letting it find its own level. If I wanted the benefits of additional trans fluid I'd install an aftermarket pan with more capacity.
when I was pouring in the sixth bottle of Mercon V fluid it started overflowing

When I drop the pan and filter, mine only holds 4qts. When I drain it from the plug. It only holds 3qts. I always measure and only put that much back in.

When I change my external trans filter. I pour into it until it stays full. About 3/4qt in a motorcraft FL-1A. I have cut 2 of them open. It actualy catches wear material the in pan filter misses.

Mine is a 4x2....
This is the third time I've changed the trans filter so I feel very silly for forgetting how much to refill. My mind was set on how much Mercon V I used when I dropped the valve body a few years ago and the parts guy at the dealership also gave me 7 bottles too (even when I told him I was just changing the trans filter). Doesn't help that I have Daddy brain neither.

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