Replace tensioner assembly or just pulley?

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Troy Micklon

Sep 8, 2003
Reaction score
Manchester, NH
A little over 100k miles now and I am going to finally change my serpentine belt.

I read through the various threads on the message board about this and see that people recommend when doing this to also change out the tensioner and the idler pulley.

My question is, should I change out just the pulley on the tensioner or the whole tensioner assembly?
Changing the pulley does nothing unless the bearing is bad.....

Change the whole assembly..... better belt tension.....

Also go with a .5" shorter belt, makes a WORLD of a difference !!

Todd Z
I never arbitraly replace tensioners. If the bearing is bad I would replace the whole thing @ high milage. I only have had one tensioner go bad. '01 escape flew apart @ 40k.

Same with the idler. Good bearings, just put .5" shorter belt on.

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