Replacement windows for homes - opinions

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Michelle Widell

Active Member
Apr 14, 2001
Reaction score
Machesney Park, IL
I had been saving up for replacement windows for my home, and want some opinions.

I have a 30 year old house whose windows are single-pane with storms and in poor condition. The windows I am replacing are double-hungs in pairs - 2 windows per opening. I have 6 openings - 3 on the upper floor and 3 on the lower (it's a split-level). I have more windows in the kitchen that I won't be replacing right now.

The upper floor windows has rotted sills and areas of the frame are rotted as well. I want windows that are "tear out" - meaning they replace the entire window that is currently in the house. Some replacement windows are made where you take out the existing sashes and the track that the window slides on, and mount the replacement window in the opening. I don't want that. I feel that you loose some window real-estate because you've added another frame inside of frame.

I have two window-sales people that quoted prices, one sells Atrium windows and the other Cardinal. The Atrium windows would use my existing framing, and have the sections that are rotted out replaced. His pricing was $6,500 for everything, including low-e, argon, finish trim in and out. Being that they weren't full-replacements, I've decided against that.

The second guy did his own installs. He sold Cardinal windows, which would replace the entire existing window. His were vinyl. He wanted $6,600 for everything.

I got a quote on Pella and Jeld-wen windows from Home Depot, and Anderson windows from Lowes. The guy who quoted me on the Cardinals said that he would also install whatever window I wanted, at a cost of $150-175 per opening (roughly $1000 for the entire house - and he'd finish the interior and exterior). I can buy my own windows for about $3,500, and have him install them for another grand. Hey, I save $2,000!

So I have two questions...

1. Would you buy your own windows and have someone install them?

2. And.. would you go with all-vinyl, or wood-interior and aluminum exterior? (The windows I had quoted from Home Depot and Lowes were wood/aluminum.)
i had the same type of windows 2 3'wide 48 tall side by side so rather than putting back 2 new windows i went with one slider they slide from either side and they look great. large window with only a center obstruction. i would by the windows from who will install makes warranty easier

I would replace the entire frame as well, whatever you choose.

Yes I would hire someone to install my bought windows, providing they have prove-able experience with a particular brand you buy.

Pella, Jeld-Wen and Anderson are all quality brands.

I have personal experience with Jeld-Wen. I replaced a 12' span of patio doors with two Jeld-Wen dual hung french doors, two years ago, and they are Cat-5 hurricane rated for this area which is hard to obtain certification. Aluminum outside works best for the harsh environment down here, it would be great for your environment.
I would size and purchase my own double-hung, tilt-in, gas-filled, wood with vinly/alum outer cladding windows; and I would probably install them myself or get someone I trust to install.

Oh, and if you don't already have it, get a Home Depot or Lowes card, when they are running a special like 12 month no interest financing. Then, place the purchase of all the windows on the card, and pay a little each month, but make sure to pay off the whole thing in 12 months.

Yup, forget to mention that Buzz. Sometimes you can get both (10% and 12 months or more no-interest....just tell Lowes that Home Depot is offering that deal, or vice-versa if you aren't concerned with that whole lying will send you to Hell thing!) :p

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Oh, another thing, Home Depot installed a couple of windows for us. They did a GREAT job and it was REASONABLE. The windows were basement windows. Excellent workmanship.

There is a place near me that sometimes get Jeld-Wen windows. We got two for the Garage at $75.00/each. Carter Lumber had the exact same window for $150.00/each.

It pays to shop around. Look for some home building supply store that sells seconds r mismatch buiilding supplies. Color might be a little off, or the window isn't perfect, but with a 30 years old house, nothing is perfect to begin with.

If you shop around for a place like I mentioned, you can cut the cost of the windows by over half.

Check with Anderson's own window replacement company, called Renewal. They did mine on my former home a few years ago, and I was very pleased with the results. And they have all their own employees, rather than subcontractors--which means that if there are any problems, you only have to deal with them, rather than with a window manufacturer, a window retailer, and a window installer all pointing fingers at each other (if none of them have skipped town by then).
Yeah, you are right, experience was an EXTREMELY positive one, but you can't be assured of that. I also suspect your area of the country might have a lot to do with it. My area is chock-full of very good licensed, reputable, experienced subs.

Also--there are a lot of arguments both ways on wood vs. vinyl. A lot comes down to what you're willing to spend (vinyl typically costs less), and what interior look you're seeking. I ended up doing an option that Renewal has where the window has a real wood shell (I forget the term they used--it wasn't "laminate", but it was sort of the same idea), giving the look and finishability of wood on the inside, but with the performance of better materials with regard to weather resistance.
Agh, yes, Scott Simon, I feel for you. I live in Southeast PA where that old world work ethic and pride in craftsmanship still holds, and many of the best are of Amish and Mennonite descent.

I'm a window cleaner. Go with Pella.

Andersons are okay but I see the all-wood ones go bad in about 15 years. Get the mutton bars that are sandwiched in the glass to make my job easier (and cheaper :D). I'm partial to vinyl for less maintenance but that kinds depends if you like to change the color or not. If you WANT to paint them, then go with wood. If you want to buy your own windows, work with the installer though to make sure they're measured right. I'd suggest replacing the whole deal if there is a lot of wood rot. Get references on the installer. Some are pros, some are just doing it for beer money because they can't hold a regular job (from all the beer).

Pella. Ape out.
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If you should decide to go with HomeDepot....Here is a link for a gift card ( $100 ).

I'm going to have them do my roof ..... can't wait any longer....

This offer does expire end of September.

Edit: Had to link to Fatwallet..... could not get the HomeDepot link to work here....
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My first 3 homes had vinyl replacement windows. My dad had Anderson in his new build.

Our current home had Pella windows, mostly double hung, but the family room is all 9' crank out windows on all 3 sides.

We have replaced the Pella windows on the back of the house with Vinyl last year. We will be doing the front on the house with vinyl shortly.

The Pella's are a hassle with the 2 window panes that come apart. When we were looking at the house the glass inbetween the 2 panels was dirty, had to take them all apart and clean 4 sides of glass instead of two.

Also, the sliding glass door in the family room was a Pella with the blinds in it. We saw the fixed side was rotting at the bottom during the inspection. Wrote up in the contract to have it replaced. (The aluminum exterior even had a small hole in it)

Turns out the sliding side had already been replaced once. Long story short, we had a TERRIBLE experience with Pella trying to get it fixed. Previous owners paid to have it fixed. Pella guys came out with the wrong side of the sliding window. (Pella ordered the part) Then they determined that the fixed side couldn't be replaced, the whole slider would have to be replaced. They wouldn't warranty it at all, Previous owners were fighting them, etc.. Turns out the previous owners had nothing but trouble with Pella in the past. They were building a new house after this one, the builder recommended Pella, they said NO way.

Anyway, we replaced it with a slider from Window World who has also done our vinyl windows. No problems, my parents and another couple we know have also used Window World with NO problems. Great price, not the top of the line windows, but above average. The top of the line vinyl windows have 3 panes and the frame is filled with foam. Window World does not offer either.
Don't use Lowes or Home Depot. Their installers are hacks.

Use a reputable contractor and let him buy the windows you want. Ask for some referrals and interview former customers. The contractor can get the windows cheaper than you can. Also, if you buy them and something goes wrong or doesn't fit, it is your problem. If you let the contractor buy the windows and something doesn't go right, he will stand by it and get it fixed.

Don't spend too much $$ on all the fancy windows and options. Even decent vinyl windows with doublepane glass will be better than what you have.
Thanks guys!!!

My brother had his home built just a few years ago, and he got Caradco windows, which he said are made by the same people who make Jeld-wen. His are aluminum out and wood in. He had to have one replaced, and it went well.

A client of mine had the windows in his home installed by a person that he has recommended to me. I've called that guy, and he's supposed to get me a quote. I will definitely let the installer measure and give his stamp of approval on my purchase if I buy my own windows. No manufacturer has stock sizes that would fit in my window's current openings (and I don't want to remodel - that would mean alot of siding rework). So, I can't buy off the shelf - I have to get them custom made.

Thanks again... your comments really help me with my decision. I've been saving up for awhile for this, and would like to get it done before the snow flies...


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