Replacing the battery cable

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Nov 5, 2006
Reaction score
Norman, OK
Started to replace my battery cables yesterday but I have hit a snag. I can see where it connects to the front of the block where the alt wire route behind the power steering pump bracket. Is there any way to get it unbolted without taking off the PS pump bracket? Anybody have a manual that might outline this?
I would just run the new wire a different way, if long enough.

Just be sure to stabilize and protect it from any rub points.
It's a factory replacement harness so there's not any extra length even though it is almost 6ft long and has 15 attach points.. The factory Ford manual (green cover) doesn't go into any detail about replacing the harness much to my dismay. Does anybody have a pulled motor that might still have the harness attached that could take a pic of power steering bracket and the space between it and the water pump?
It's a factory replacement harness so there's not any extra length even though it is almost 6ft long and has 15 attach points.. The factory Ford manual (green cover) doesn't go into any detail about replacing the harness much to my dismay. Does anybody have a pulled motor that might still have the harness attached that could take a pic of power steering bracket and the space between it and the water pump?
It's a factory replacement harness so there's not any extra length even though it is almost 6ft long and has 15 attach points.. The factory Ford manual (green cover) doesn't go into any detail about replacing the harness much to my dismay. Does anybody have a pulled motor that might still have the harness attached that could take a pic of power steering bracket and the space between it and the water pump?
It's a factory replacement harness so there's not any extra length even though it is almost 6ft long and has 15 attach points.. The factory Ford manual (green cover) doesn't go into any detail about replacing the harness much to my dismay. Does anybody have a pulled motor that might still have the harness attached that could take a pic of power steering bracket and the space between it and the water pump?
It's a factory replacement harness so there's not any extra length even though it is almost 6ft long and has 15 attach points.. The factory Ford manual (green cover) doesn't go into any detail about replacing the harness much to my dismay. Does anybody have a pulled motor that might still have the harness attached that could take a pic of power steering bracket and the space between it and the water pump?
Paul, another sugestion. slip some shink tube or extra protection on the new wire. Fish it through with coathanger or such. Just snip the old one off and leave it.

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