– It was Alberto Gonzales, not Congress, who fired attorneys for political reasons.
– It was Alberto Gonzales, not Congress, who gave the White House political team unprecedented power to intercede in the affairs of the Justice Department.
– It was Alberto Gonzales, not Congress, who allowed his department to illegally hire attorneys based in part on their loyalty to the Republican Party and the Bush administration.
– It was Alberto Gonzales, not Congress, who dissembled and misled about the administration’s spying activities.
– It was Alberto Gonzales, not Congress, who lied in stating that all Bush appointees would be Senate-confirmed.
-It was not just Democrats, Republicans also who wanted him fired.
He was put in by Bush (close friend) to jam the un constitutional Patriot Act through. A SERIOUS threat to Americans personal freedom. Wake up you sheepish conservatives. You have to see things from BOTH sides to be truly informed.