Royal Purple oil

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Bob Alcaro

Active Member
Feb 8, 2002
Reaction score
Plymouth, MA
Can anyone recall a post back some months ago in which there was discussion about synthetic oils and one of the posters included a link to a test house which included a report showing the oil film breakdown of the various synthetics tested under a bearing load? The comparison showed the Royal Purple with almost no breakdown.

I would like to get that link again, my computer crashed and I lost the original and can't seem to find it in my searches for old posts on this site.....

Thanks in advance....


Although I don't recall the thread or the link to the test results, I do know that you can find just about anything oil related at: (See Link)
i guess royal purple is good. i work for a oilfield company thats all we run in the gas and diesel motors (the owner has a hand in the royal oil). the only thing is they have us run the cars and trucks (gas) many many miles over the 3000 mile oil change. so the motors dont last long i know 3 vehicles in the last year and half the motors threw rods. the diesels we have no problems

My company has a fleet plan, with Ford. We got new vehicles in Dec, and just got notice today that the oil change interval which was every 5k miles during the last 2 years has been changed to every 7500 miles. We keep our cars for 2 years, and 25k to 40k miles per year is not unusual. I don't think the company or Ford would expose themselves to higher risk by increasing the interval, I think they do it because newer engine design and materials make it safe to do so, and wasteful to change more frequently.
In my '99 Explorer (Which shares the fabled engine with the '01 Job 1,) I used RP 5W30 and ATF and changed the oil every June first. I got over 180k on the original engine AND tranny before I sold it.
I've been using RP for about 3 years now. Just sent in a test sample after 10,000 miles to Blackstone Labs. I'll let you know the results.
Question, Is it ever "too late" or "unadvisable" to start using a product like Royal Purple? My ST has about 102,000 on it and I have no idea what was done to it from 0 to 89,000. Since then, I have been using motorcraft synthetic blend, or Valvoline synthetic blend. I would like to changethe diff. fluid and tranny fluid too. (Changed the Transfer fluid about 3K ago, and used Mobile full synthetic)

Any pros, Cons, or advice?

Thanks, Dave
Go ahead and change. Watch for leaks. If you see any, put the cheapest crap oil you can in there...

RP's detergent qualities don't "cause" leaks. It exposes leaks that are already there and clogged with crap.
I have been rinning AMSOIL in my 2002 Trac since it had about 5,000 miles on it. I now have 90,000 miles and the oil is running great. The oil gets changed once a year. That is the oil and filter gets changed once a year. I do not change the filter every 3,000 and "top off".

Regarding Dave's question. A year ago, we got a 2000 Explorer with 136,000 miles on it. The following spring, we changed the oil at about 137,000 miles with AMSOIL. It is now at 151,000 miles. At 14,000 miles on the same oil, I finally added 1/4 quart of oil.

I figure 8 ounces of oil in 14,000 miles is not bad on an engine with 150,000 miles.


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