Scenes From the Recession

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Fudged Undies

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2003
Reaction score
Miami, FL
Take a look. Some of these pics really caught me off guard, specifically the job-fair ones.

Something of a wake-up call.

<a href=""target=top>LINKEY</a>

Just showboating by the Boston Globe in a lame attempt to save their asses (jobs) IMO. Definately NOT news!!!

Nothing different than the past recessions. I imagine that, that's what they've always looked like. Only difference between now and the past is the internet!!!

Not saying that we're not in tought times and that they can't get worse by deepining into a full blown depression, but really, the internet is most revealing isn't it?

My concern goes out to all of those affected this time around, just like the past...

At my company I'm getting more calls from people looking for work than I am potential clients. I am not advertising for employees.
My family owns a drug and alcohol rehab company. Business has almost tripled in the last year.
It won't last though. I always thought it was funny that we only seemed to have homeless people when a Republican was President.

Being that the Dems run the whole govt now, pretty soon they've got to take ownership of the economy's failure or success.

Thing is, the economy would be pretty easy to fix except that the remedy is not on the Democrat's radar screen because it goes against everything they've always believed.
No problem.

Replace the income tax with either the Flat Tax or the Fair Tax.

Reduce the corporate income tax to 10% or better yet, 0%.

Reduce the capital gains tax to 10% or better yet, 0%. (ain't nobody got any capital gains to tax last year or this year anyway, unless you bought the stock in 1973)

Repeal the Endangered Species Act.

Allow drilling for oil and natural gas wherever it is found.

Repeal the CAFE standards for automobiles.

All the talk from the govt is about "opening up the credit markets". Uh, no. That's what got us into trouble now. I don't care if you can get 0% interest for 30 years, a thinking person is not going to take a loan for anything when they're not sure they're going to have a job next month. The conundrum the Dems have is that you need to create jobs but you can't create jobs without also creating wealth, which is an anathema to the people currently running the country. The modern Democrat's worst fear is that somewhere someone is going to make money. Also the the best way to create jobs is with less govt, not more, which is not in the Democrat playbook.

Sorry for the rant. Just that last year the rest of the nation woke up one day with the same economy that Pittsburgh has had for the last 25 years and suddenly it's a friggin' crisis.:rolleyes:
The first New Deal extended the recession by 10 years. How long will the Obaconomics extend THIS recession by?

I hope everyone has their checkbooks out. So far, the spending in the last 60 days has cost every family around $10k for the "stimulus" bill and another $5k for the Omnibus bill. Obamalama's budget for next year? Yeah, I hope that all of you can afford around $33k.

Woot! Let's here it for CHANGE! (that's all you have left)
You to? That would be all this world needs is a congress full of Sport Trac owners!:cool:

I will introduce legislation to allow oil drilling everywhere called "The SUV Protection Act" and form the bipartisan House Italian-American Caucus. We may not get a lot done but we'll eat well.
Be sure to put a huge tax on Ridgelines and Avalanches!!!

Avalanches are bad. All the snow comming down the hll at great speed. We need to put a 100% tax on ANYTHING that uses the name AVALANCHE. in fact, anytime says AVALANCHE, you owe the goberment 15 pushups.

Ridgeline? It's like HAIRLINE. One good recession and it's all over... Can you comb-over a Ridgeline?
Luckily the recession is almost nonexistent down here in Houston. Compared to the oil bust we had in the 80's, this is nothing.

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