If life were more like movies I would have just said aaaand Cut!! (reference a comedian from the BOB and TOM show) and all the drama of having my new Seadoo try to" off "me would have just been edited. The scene would have gone more like this. The Warrior Mounts his trusted water stead and the gallop (swim?) off to have many great adventures. But its just not that easy. So I'll continue with all the sorted details.
It took me a couple hours to realize the crank sensor bolt wasn't the only thing shaken loose. I had my confidence in the 3D severly shaken. After Getting the 3D on the trailer my wife stated "I'm glad It didn't stall on me". It was an off the cuff statement but as a new father (7 month old girl) it really struck home. If it had been her I would have had no way to help her. I was mortified. I anxiously called the Dealer only to find out they weren't open again until tuesday. Ugg..its only sunday. Two more days of waiting. I left a not so polite message angrily stating how "they" (the dealer) almost killed me. After, I hung up I realized it wasn't the dealers fault. I was in denile. So I called back and left another more respectful message.
Ever notice how easy it is to say something in anger and how hard it is to suck back water? After all there are a lot of nuts and bolts on these machines and any of them could be loose or missing locktight. If we worried about everything that could go wrong we would probably never get out of bed. Heck, I race/wreck my Ducati and the asphalt hurts way more at 50 mph than the water. Actually, I don't think there is anything I own that I haven't wrecked at least once ......ok twice.
Wait, what was I talking about? Oh yeah! The Dealer. To there credit they called me back tuesday right after they opened. I explained the situation and they told me to bring it back as soon as possible. I get off work a 3pm and was at the shop twenty miles away before 4pm. Ok , so I was a little anxious. I met with Brian the shop manager (a great guy). He took my trouble very seriously and listened attentively as I relived the whole episode over and over...ok and over. Then he called the shop lead mechanic and we proceeded to go over the 3D with a fine tooth comb. They thread locked the loose bolt and retightened it. Honestly, my confidence in the Seadoo was still a little lacking. Brian reassured me and off I went. Straight to the river to give it another go.
I doubled checked everything on the 3D once again. I started the it with a quick thumb of the button and off I went. I headed straight for the dam throwing caution to the wind. After all this is what Seadoo are all about taking the Bull by the horns, right? The closer I got to the dam the faster I seemed to go. I was on a mission. My fears were the only thing holding me back. I streaked down the river as fast as this machine would go. I had a date with destiny and I wasn't going to be late. At the last minute I cut hard to the left. The 3D bite hard into the water. I felt my weight shift and I suddenly became a piece of the machine. All my demons behind me lost in the jet wash. The 3D instantly became a trusted friend.
I began testing the abilities of man and machine. I spent the next hour and a half trying to find any fault in the 3D. The only limits I found were my own. The she performed Flawlessly. I was amazed how to she would skip across the water like a flat rock with a turbo. It was like the Saedoo was teaching me how to ride. I learned that I could literally lay her on her side and bury her beneath a foot of water and she would jump out of the water like a hungry fish, asking for more. By the end of the day the 3D and I had bonded. I put her back on the trailer and all previous aprehensions had disapeared along with a half of a tank of fuel. Now it was time to introduce the wife to my new mistress. I'm sure they will get alnog fine.Won't they?
The next day, I a