Seattle Meet!!!

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Grizz 44

Aug 24, 2005
Reaction score
Seattle, Wa
So has anyone from the Seattle area decided when we were gonna have a meet around this area??? if so let me know...
I have run the meet the last two years. 1st year 22 Tracs. 2nd year 4 tracs. I posted last week any interest and had one reply. It think it's time to pass the torch to someone else to run it.
Aw man!! That is a horrible turn out. I go through Seattle at about the middle of August to go back to school. If it wernt for me being so far away during the summer or in school I would of definetly made it to the Seattle meets. I remember the past two years it was either during the first weekend of the semester or while I was in Hawaii. I did really want to go though.

Sorry no one was interested last year. I would of been there if it had worked out.
damn that is shitty... i am gonna be up here till beginning of september and thought it would be fun. well maybe there will be some down in cali for when i go to school.. If anyone does decide to get together for a meet up in seattle let me know cuz i am down...
:)Planning a simple get-together type meet is no big deal. All it takes is picking a location and time to meet!

That's basically what the last L.A. area meet was. People brought things to eat and we checked out each other's 'Trac's, had lunch and talked! It was fun meeting everyone and it wasn't hard to do. Instead of bringing food, meet at a restaurant for dinner or supper. I'm sure everyone reading this could do it!

Remember, meets come in all sizes; from what I described above, to dealer sponsored, to Ford sponsored. And if you don't expect to attract dozens of 'Trac's to a local gathering, you won't be disappointed.

Give it a try!
Mookie-with all do respect I've help run meets as big as 1500 cars to as little as 4. I know what needs to be done. I help run a monthly club meet and we get 15-30 to show up all the time. Completely different with the ST community. No one seems to commit.

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