Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is stepping down......

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That's a HUGE slap in the face of 9-11 victims.


Open question: Do people think that Rummy stepping down was his idea, based on the election results? Or that it was Bush's idea, and that he requested it?

I honestly feel that the duty of a President's staff is to take the heat for whatever is going wrong in their section. I think it is an expected part of the job, to fall on your sword for your President, right or wrong, for the "good of the nation". That is why he "offered his resignation" numerous times in the past years. Not so much a scapegoat, but a sacrificial lamb.

I have even less respect for W at this point, for turning on his people when times got rough, and accepting that "resignation".
re: Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is stepping down...... by Nobleman,11/9/2006 20:08 ET

Quote: That's a HUGE slap in the face of 9-11 victims.


Comin' from a New-Yorker, that's doubly *******.
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So, R, you never answered what about my post or statements was a "Slap in the face to the 9-11 victims."

Being that I try to me very sensitive to people and their feelings, maybe you could help me out????

Q, those are all arguably good things, but alas, none of those are the reasons we went into Iraq in the first place. I support the war, I think the war is a good thing for ALL the reasons you mention and more, but that's not the pretense we had for war. I support Bush and voted for him twice but we really have made a mess of this war. I said it 3 years ago, I just wish Bush could have leveled with the American people and said something like the following (which is what he would have said if I were his speech writer):

"We are going to war because we need to bring stability to the Middle East. We propped up a dictator in Iraq to serve our interest and that leader has turned nuttier than a sh!thouse rat and now it's time to take him out. We will kill two birds with one stone: Clean Middle East house AND take out Saddam. And, when we are done, there WILL be democracy in that area, and we won't let the people elect any old camel herding terrorist organization that they are afraid of or share superstitions with. Good night, and GOD BLESS AMERICA!"

Some of the stated reasons to go into Iraq before we did:


--find and eliminate weapons of mass destruction, weapons programs, and terrorists (UN inspector Scott Ritter wrote that Iraq is not disarmed)

--collect intelligence on networks of weapons of mass destruction and terrorists (Saddam aided Hamas and thier fight in Isreal)


--end sanctions and deliver humanitarian support (According to Madeleine Albright, half a million Iraqi children had died because of sanctions.)

-United Nations Security Council Resolution

--Resolution 1205, made in 1998. (one of 14 resolutions that were not kept, this one ended with the threat of hostilities)

-Regime Change (to democracy)

--end the Saddam Hussein government (and put power to the people)

--help Iraq's transition to democratic self-rule

--stop the filling of mass graves

--close down true torture rooms and rape rooms run by the Hussain brothers and the military


-secure Iraq's oil fields and other resources for Iraq's economic expansion


--end remaining hostilities left over from the previous excursion in to the Persian Gulf (Iraq was defying the cease-fire by shooting at Allied warplanes enforcing the No-Fly Zone)

Course, Iraq was dangerous enough for Bill Clinton to bomb a few times (some oddly enough corresponding to various parts of his impeachment investigations.... hmmmm....), for John Kerry to state that if you don't like the Gulf war, don't vote for me, for John Edwards to call Iraq a Clear and Present Danger (no one in the Bush Administration used those words before or since).

The Democrats helped to authorize the war. If they were so worried about the justification prior to it, why didn't they raise a red flag then? This is a case of thursday morning quarter-backing (monday is usually reserved for when you first find out some details, tuesday is injury reports or in this case, the "questionable" report made by Joe Wilson, wednesday is hump day and all the senators were out, well....).

Al Gore himself eulogized the soldiers killed when F-16's shot down a US helicopter killing all on board "in the name of the UN"....


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