Shorts in Louisville?

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Paul Howard

Active Member
Sep 4, 2005
Reaction score
Ashland, KY
Does Ford allow shorts and tennis shoes on the tour? Do they allow cameras on the tour? I know there are pictures of a tour, but someone might have had special permission. Can we go on both tours if we want to?

When tours come through our plant (not an automotive plant) The visitors are given safety glasses and that's it. Employees must wear steel toe shoes and, in some areas, hearing protection...but I've seen folks on the tours come through in skirts and heels. There are never cameras alowed, however. The same was true when I toured the Honda plant. Visitors get safety glasses, no pictures please.:)
Ford only requires that you wear safety glasses if you don't already wear glasses. They have large bins of safety glasses that you can use and turn back in when the tour is over.

No special dress requirements. Most people have worn shorts in all the past plant tours.

I know that at the last tour we took, you could take pictures, but none of the employees. I guess some complained about people taking their pictures, so only assembly line pics w/o employees in them were allowed.
May require you to don safety vests as well. This should be an all-plants requirement. Expect maybe to sit in on a safety video too. Whatever you do, don't get in the operator's way, they'll write a grievance. ;)
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