smokers' rights

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Bart Adkins

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2004
Reaction score
Trumbull County, OH
I know being a smoker is no longer PC (if it ever was) but this is too much in my opinion. I just heard that starting next year, our plant will be smoke free. We have thus far been able to smoke in designated areas only. Smokers have their own lunchroom and a designated picnic area outside.

The plant going smoke free doesn't bother me much, I mean it's their building right? But we wont even be able to smoke in our vehicles on company property. The way I see it, my truck is MY property...I don't work in a chemical plant or someplace that could blow up easily either.

If the man :)wants to tell me what to do in my vehicle, then he should make a payment or two on it!:angry::angry::p
While I feel you should be allowed to smoke in your vehicle (assuming it is parked in an open air parking lot), You should also be willing to make sure you flick your ashes and put out your smoke in your inside ash tray. Are you willing to do that?

That is one of my gripes, Seeing all the smokers who casually toss all that garbage out of their car windows.

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It's "the man's" property your truck is on.

He can and should be able to say what you can and can't do in that truck when on his property.

The bigger question you should be asking yourself is "WHY do you think 'the man' won't allow smoking anywhere on the property, including your vehicle in the parking lot?"

Could the answer be that "the man" is trying to increase productivity (or to avoid the potential lost productivity) that could occur with people shlepping off to their vehicle several times a day for a smoke?

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They are probably getting some insurance break that will not end up in your pocket. Some CEO getting rich off the savings. Anyway I am a social smoker and I would be able to deal but it still seems unfair. Looks like you will all be out on the street in front of the plant smoking it up. My boss tried that and I walked accross the street to smoke.
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OH POOT, on you PC nonsmokers..Quit taking those extra long restroom breaks, watercooler breaks talking about that last game, afew ashes aint crap compared to what you yourself have thrown put the window at one time... etc etc etc etc etc...productivity my ass..cast the first stone...:angry:
Yes I keep my trash to litterbugging!:)...And I'd be willing to bet this is all coming about to save money on the insurance on the building or something like that. As far as schlepping to our vehicles several times a doesn't work like that. We get a morning break(15m), a lunch(30m), and an afternoon break(10min). Just like the non-smokers do.It's not a productivity thing.

I don't have a problem having to go somewhere away from people that don't smoke. That's just good manners. And if they do make this change, I will comply. It's a good place to work. I've been there 11 yrs...But if somebody else can go to there truck to sleep or nail their girlfriend at lunch...a couple of cigarettes wont hurt anybody but me.

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Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do. As a former smoker (quit over a year ago) I know how unfair it is to have someone who doesn't smoke trying to tell you when and where you can smoke. The only reason I quit was because of the prices. I actually enjoyed smoking. What will they do if you go to your vehicle, (during lunch break) and drive off the lot to smoke? That may be your only way. Question is, what about the "smokless tobacco" users? Are they alowed to go around with snuff in thier mouth? If so, you may have a legit bitch.;)
Nope, more Red-man or Skoal either(and they call smoking a filthy habbit...eeeeewwww):wacko:...And you're right Chris I doubt their savings will show up in our profit sharing!
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I just wish someone would have the balls to either make smoking and drinking illegal, or stop these idiot companies from imposing unfair and discriminatory rules on smokers.

To me, no smoking on the property is fair, a bit ridiculous, but not totally out of line. The very least they can do is designate an area around back of the building with an ashcan.

The whole smoke break thing is an attendance issue and subject to your entitled breaks. If someone is taking too many breaks, then that is the issue, not the smoking.

When they start testing you for being a smoker, even in the privacy of your home, that's out of line.

When I was training recruits, the base was smoke free, same as your company proposes. No where on base, even in your car. Folks would take a smoke break and drive a loop off base, then return. What a waste of manpower. Granted, we are salary, and not set to the 9-5 clock, but it is still a waste of time. Eventually, the casual smokers quit, the hard core folks cut down.

Personally, it is their property, they can do what they want. I am sure they save on medical insurance. It also cuts down on trash in the parking lot. As others said, it really pisses me off to see folks throw those butts out the window, they seem to stay there forever. I have been known to get out of the car, pick it up, and hand it back.... saying "you dropped something". Really gets folks attention.....
I can't figure out why anyone would want to smoke. What are the benefits? What are the positives?

ChrisV says he is a "social smoker". What does that mean? Are their people who are attracted to smokers?

Seriously, I just don't get smoking and why anyone would start it, but even more importantly, why anyone would keep doing it.
you start 'cuz you're young and keep doing it 'cuz quitting is a bitch!...and besides, all the cool kids are doing it and I don't want them to say I'm chicken:D
Gavin, I gather it's like a social drinker. If you're with a bunch of friends hangin out, and they all step out for a smoke, he might as well. I tried it, didn't care for it, and haven't done it since, even though a good number of my friends smoke....I have noticed though, that it seems the people I know who smoke, are pretty careless with their butts. I mean, I have 3 ash trays on my front porch, but my yard is covered with butts....which is something I'm planning to bring up next time everyone's over...
Well, I'm not sure I agree with the inside your car bit, but it is their property. I suppose it follows the rules about no guns/alcohol on company property, even in your vehicle. If you don't like the rules you can always work someplace else.
Too bad. You have the choice to comply with the new rules or seek other employment...

I supervise a group of employees. One that smoked (she since has left the company). If I added up all the time she spent outside smoking and then gave all the non-smokers the same amount of time we would go out of business.

Next year our company property goes smoke free. The company is willing to give everyone a year to quit. They are also willing to pay for cessation programs..

I am sorry I don't feel bad for you.
What I mean by being a social smoker is that i don't have to have one every waking minute. I only have one when I am around other smokers. (about 2 a day) I have been down the pack a day road. Its just so hard for me to quit. (all you smokers know what I mean). :D