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Shaun Tucker

Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
London, ON
Just kidding :D

I noticed people only post about the crappy weather on here, so thought I'd change things up a bit!

It's beautiful here. We are at 22 celcius (71.6F for you southerners) with a gorgeous blue sky. I'll be hitting the trails on my bike (Gary Fisher Marlin) later on today when I get home from work. Then a BREW or two until the hockey game starts! GO HABS GO!

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Yeah, it's pretty nice down here too, though I'm sticking with F, as it is more convenient (celcius stays within a narrow range, while Fahrenheit is more expressive, though I'm sure that you as well as my icelandic coworker will disagree...).

After I finally destroyed my last bike, I'm down to hiking, which opens up more areas anyhow. I thought about getting another bike, but once you're out of the "kid" years, if you wanna ride, you have to have the spandex, and I can't afford or abide by it.

(Now maybe if there were more female bikers, but there aren't, damn)

Seriously, biking without attire makes you a pariah, though it is rather ridiculous to see dudes in the woods wearing it.

Hopefully the weather will hold for the weekend, as tomorrow is ST day and today is too consumed with work, but luckily I was able to get out yesterday.

Have fun :banana:
Spandex!? You're joking right KL?

LOL I just rock cargo shorts with an Under Armor Tshirt, throw on my camel pack, helmet and gloves and off I go!

I've seen some pretty serious "old guys" whipping my ass on the trails, so don't count yourself out of the game yet big guy!

I don't race, as I'm not really competitive at all, so I teeter along at my own speed and stop when I get pretty winded. Being in my third year of riding, I've found myself picking up speed and more confident leaning heavily into the corners so my track time is diminishing little by little, but still - I just do it to get out of the city and enjoy the peace and quiet of nature.
Trail biking is fun, though I get a bit perturbed with bikers since on the mountains they cause obvious erosion, but they as a whole do push the state park service to keep the trails maintained--if not for their almost lobbying, trees that fall on the trails would be there until they finally rotted away.

I'm sadly not joking about the spandex. At the edges of the park, where the easiest trails to bike meet the public roads (so you can get in for free) on a nice day like this there will be 20 cars or so partyin' on the shoulder, everything from lifted trucks to Honda Fits, and their owners are out on their bikes looking like they're going for Tour de France in the middle of the woods.

Some of these mini-mountain trains are fairly steep, so as a hiker I get the fun of pwning bikers up the mountain, but getting served going down it.

(Rocks + bike = not very male friendly ime)

I gotta say I miss using a bike as transit...old rail trail that went many was awesome, but it just won't work for me any longer. Loss of good exercise.
LOL I just rock cargo shorts with an Under Armor Tshirt, throw on my camel pack, helmet and gloves and off I go!

x2 buddy. I ride a '09 Giant Yukon FX. going into my second year riding. I cant get enough of it. 3 a.m. here Eastern, just got back from a big party at my college but I laid off the sauce because im riding at 10!

I too get whooped by some "older" guys but I have also noticed I have been mastering some trails now that I could not before. MBing is awesome, keep riding!

I'm in my third year riding now! I don't think I've ever been so passionate about a sport since Hockey. It's incredible. If you ever decide on shredding some trails in Canada, I'd be happy to hook you up with a few free ones in Ontario that are off the hook. Hell, I'll even meet you there.

I drove the Trac up to the cottage and grandparents place about 2 hrs away. Blowing snow all the way there and back. It turned into sleet for a while too.

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