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Brett Hartwig

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2005
Reaction score
freeport, IL
Hey fellow ST'rs! Had to part ways for a bit, but I'm back and happy for that. First and foremost, apologies to the webteam for some previous comments. May have been a bit out of line with some of my previous comments, some things rubbed me raw. Won't happen again. Also, to all of you posters, I apoligize if some things I posted were a bit harsh. Again, won't happen again. I value your opinions and have definitely used your advice many times. I look forward to that relationship again. Happy to be back! :banana::banana::banana:
"It is better to keep ones mouth shut and appear the fool, than to open it and remove all doubt", A. Lincoln (also B. Franklin, Socrates, Book of Proverbs, and not too sure about Cunfusious)

Glad you're back, no problems from me. Bob
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