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Michael Fazzina

Active Member
Oct 19, 2005
Reaction score
Rocky Hill, CT
The other day an attrocity occured here in my capital city. For those who haven't seen this video....BE WARNED IT IS OF A GRAPHIC NATURE. I can't believe this is the world welive in nowadays. I swear if it was me I would have immediately gone to see how this man was and called police.

Mike Fazzina
More than 30 seconds and no single onlooker even came close to the body; more than 1 minute and still no one came to the person's aid, got close enough to crouch down to see if breathing. Sad.

Oh, and the car that hit him. I suspect was driven by someone who knew the driver of the car in front of them that swerved. See how close they were together, and how they both turned down the same street after the accident. Not a coincidence IMHO.

Oh, and if you are going to jaywalk, you might want to do so while watching oncoming traffic. Yeah, yeah, don't blame the victim, I know, I've heard it before, but the victim is somewhat responsible here too.

Oh, and Mike, Adam is referring to the story in the link below:


I'd do the same thing....since I'm certified in First Aid and a member of our ERT group with my company.

I think in general, most people just don't want to get involved when they see something like this. Someone in the area at the time must have been able to get a plate number of the car that hit that guy....maybe they too don't want to get involved.

It is shocking to see how ppl can be soo cruel in not wanting to help any way they can when something like this happens. :(
Genovese Syndrome

Essentially, where a group witnesses someone getting hurt, no one helps because everyone thinks someone else will. It was named after Kitty Genovese, who if I am recalling Psych 001 at PSU correctly, was stabbed to death in an apartment courtyard. While many residents heard her screams and subsequent cries for help, no one helped her.
Desert and Adam,

Thanks for the explanation. That's just crazy. I just can't imagine people being like that. I guess it really matters what kind of person you are with your upbringing and personal experiences too. What a shame.
Guess we all know not to move to that town. Geeze the citizens of that town should be ashamed of themselves! I do have to give some credit though, There were according to the article, 4 calls to the City describing the accident AND the cars involved. Hooray for those folks that called in. And at least a passer by could have thrown a blanket on the guy (since they were too concerned to STOP and HELP him) Poor man!

All the more reason everyone should get yearly First-Aid could be a family member, spouse, child or a complete stranger.

Hopefully you will never have to be put in that position, but with the training, you'd know what to do and be able to react quickly.

In that situation, I'd have jumped from my truck and ran to the guys aid to check vitals, ordered others to call for help and have others stop traffic in order to secure the area.

Just a week or two ago.....a local child was stuck in a car that caught fire. A stranger risked his own life and got burned in the process, but was able to free the child from the burning car. It's stories like this that makes me feel there are still some good in people and do whatever it takes to save another.
Saw that on the national news last night. Doesn't say much for Hartford, which is my wife's home town. One of the vehicles should have at least blocked the street off. I'm surprised he didn't get run over a second time.

If they catch the guy that ran over him then I hope they will do the right thing and promptly kill the bastard.
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Since the man was paralysed, it is apparent he had back or neck injuries. He is probably lucky no one tried to move him out of the street. He may be dead if they did.

I agree they should have blocked traffic or something to make sure he wasn't hit a second time. It is apparent the vehicle that hit him was on the wrong side of the road, as well as the second vehicle.
WOW. That's truly disturbing. I can understand someone not moving the man or even refusing to touch him out of fear of making the situation worse or becoming liable in our overly litigious society, but the fact that nobody even approached him to see if he was conscious or tell him 911 was on the way is shocking.

I do have to give some credit though, There were according to the article, 4 calls to the City describing the accident AND the cars involved. Hooray for those folks that called in.

Good for you, GM...Its important to see the good along with the bad in this video otherwise we'd all turn into cynical bastards.

nobody even approached him to see if he was conscious or tell him 911 was on the way

Emergency Services weren't on the way. They just happened to be going down that street on an unrelated call...which is even more shocking then the fact that nobody went to see if he was Ok.

Its hard to argue that this world is not going to S#!T. IMO this video is evidence of the selfishness and disconnectivity that plagues our society. What caused it? How do we solve it?

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Shaun T, I was assuming that some of the bystanders had called 911 on their cell phones. It appears than several of them are on the phone, so it's likely that was the case.
wow, glad it isn't like that here. When my girlfriend was hit the first people on the scene stopped to check on her, gather her belongings, covered her with coats and blankets (heck, one fancy ladies coat was just left with her.) Her purse w/money and cards, camera, shoes etc were all given to the paramedics to take with her to the hospital. I had a phone conversation (completely by coincidence) with the first person on the scene and she said that people were laying with her talking to her until the ambulance came.
I am suprised those kind people did not check his pockets for money.

Seriously though, being someone that has gone through first aid training a good number of time, nothing like this suprises me. At a minimum, I would have ran out there to block traffic and called 911. I know you never move a victim unless there is danger that could cause him his life, such as a speeding truck, train, or some other danger.

At a minimum, those people should have tried to do something.

My sister got side swiped by a hit and run driver in the middle of an intersection. She jumped out of her car and begged the people that was sitting behind her to help her. They looked right in her face, put the car in reverse, and drove around her.


In Atlanta recently, a mother of two young boys was taken to Grady Memorial Hospitol after a car accident. It was a really bad accident, she was hit head on while driving a minivan.

She died at the hospitol, while there a social worker stole her wedding band after she had passed away. Her husband was a military reserve officer. He only wanted the rings to give to her young sons to remember her by. The value of the rings were around 6 grand, they recovered them at a pawn shop, he only got a few hundred bucks and he was arrested about a week after. The husbands boss put up a 20 grand reward, no questions asked. for the return of the rings. This guy should have his hands cut off, that is the only thing I agree with in those barbaric middle eastern countries. And don't get me started with that scumbag Brian Nichols who shot up the Atlanta courthouse a few years ago, killed a court clerk, judge, deputy and federal agent, they got him on tape, eyewitnesses everything and the trial is gonna cost the taxpayers millions. I say uphold his rights for a speedy trial, then execute him!
Did you notice how the dump truck appears to slow down as if he was just looking then takes off? And the idiot on the scooter makes an illegal u-turn, rides it through the crowd to get a second, slower look, then rides on?

I witnessed a tanker truck drive off a bridge in Susanville about 25 years ago and jumped from my car in the middle of the bridge in front of oncoming traffic, just to get to the driver. was the first one to him, the only thing I could do was reach through the windshield I removed just to hold the guys hand until help got there. I was always taught to help others, so it was just a natural reaction.

This video makes me sick! Mainly because those who did see the man, very slowly just casually walked up to him, 10 feet away, and just stared...:angry::angry:

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