Spiders I Met Today

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Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2010
Reaction score
, GA
I built a blind, put out my trail cam and walked the property in preparation for archery season coming up. In my travels, I found some cool spiders. I only took pictures of a couple.

I don't know what this is but it's huge. For size comparison my finger is a lot closer than it probably should be. My best guess is a wolf spider although I haven't seen them that big. Glad it didn't jump.

Saw two really big banana spiders. The first one was large. The second one was huge and the largest I've ever seen. It had a multidimensional web that was quite impressive.

I also saw a ton of spiny orb-weavers but I didn't even bother trying to take pictures of them with the phone. Cool little spiders so I'll just steal a picture of one from Wikipedia.


I also kicked up a doe and found a great place for a new stand. I didn't see any of the coyotes that have only recently been seen around our property. Those have got to go!

Now, I need to go do the dishes so it doesn't look like I didn't do anything on my day off while my wife worked 12 hours.:bwahaha:
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Nothing a little starting fluid wouldn't take care of....I hate spiders...LOL
I try to avoid damaging their webs and don't kill most spiders. Black widows are the exception. Also, any spider that thinks it will make a home indoors is subject to the death penalty.
Been there. Enjoyed it very much.:supercool:

Also checked out the Cabela's in Wheeling, WV. Liked it too.

I'm as happy in those places as I am in a private collection of collector cars. No matter the size, the content is always exciting.
When were you up here last week? Should've met up. They just opened the first F&S store last weekend.
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Oh maybe it wasn't the F&S then. I know there's not a Cabelas in Pittsburgh. Is there another similar store, or maybe it was in Cincinnati? I was young; same trip we went to the Six Flags and an aquarium so it may have been somewhere in Cincy. I do remember a nice trophy room.

We didn't end up making it to PA. :sad: