Sport trac...Bottle opener

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Feb 22, 2005
Reaction score
Kissimmee, FL
I've noticed something on my sport trac and that is that is very good at opening beer bottles. The six hooks on the bed are perfect. Anyone else notice this?
It is great for can opening sleeves off your SHIRTS !!!!!!!

Actually, I think the 4 inside tie-downs would be better bottle openers, especially the ones in the rear since they have more clearance on the bottom for taller bottles, like longnecks,,:D

Wow Gonna try it.....yup does the middle one..........yesh the end doz.......othea one duz........bofsidesaresogoodworking.......sdrept vdgb...urp.......blort:blink:
Fill the back with beer, and have 3 buddies standing around it with all thier own bottle openers! Ford - This is genius! :)


Man's best friend, with good reason...........

Also, it was the good old days when a bumper was not made of plastic and a good setup and direct hit with the palm would open a beer.
Hey, since we're on the topic of beer...please stop by my website,, and check out all the beers we've reviewed that require the use of an opener. Please send me some feedback on the site, and what you'd like to see added on there!
Find it interesting that this thread made its way up near the "Clearcoat" thread.

How do bottle caps falling and sliding down the side of the truck affect the clearcoat?

It's all in how you 'pop' the bottle. If you use a quick downward motion the bottle top will pop up in the air. If timed right you can catch it with your free hand or while guzzling your drink of choice. Mine wore out so I made these trick aluminum ones, no more having to look for someone elses trac when drinking Corona!
Anyoene in here know someone that drives a new "R class" mercedes. I was working on one a few weeks back and noticed something very peculiar in the center console. There is a plastic trim piece, that slips off, this trim piece acts as a divider when installed. What is on the back of the trim piece, located in between the driver seat and the front passenger seat you ask? Nothing other than a bottle opener. Not something that "looks kinda like" or "might work as" a bottle opener. But an actual bottle opener. Silly Germans......


What do you mean, "silly Germans"???

Any country whose motto is "Zwie Bieren, Bitte" is OK in my book!

Actually, I think the 4 inside tie-downs would be better bottle openers, especially the ones in the rear since they have more clearance on the bottom for taller bottles, like longnecks

Anyone who tailgates (like at football games) and forgets their bottle opener, know this. Subsequent tailgate parties those hooks are high-use items
When tailgating you should most likely be drinking a twist off or end up looking pretentious.

Why is Corona listed a beer when you need fruit to make it taste better?

New advertising: Corona.....tequila's less nasty cousin!!!

Let's hear it for the High Life! The Champagne of Beers.
