The belt tensioner is self tensioning. Just use a serpentine belt tool, or a 3/8 ratchet with maybe a pipe on the handle for leverage.
Remove the airbox cover, intake tube / pcv pipe from the throttle body. you place the ratchet head in the square hole at the end of the tensioner with the pulley, and then rotate it so that it releases the belt. unroute the belt, pay attention to how you removed it.
If you're replacing the idler pulley and tensioner, now is when you unbolt the idler pulley, then the tensioner. Then bolt in the new tensioner, and then the idler pulley (made some room to work in that order). It is simple once you start doing it, looks harder than it is.
Now route the new belt over the crankshaft, water pump / fan pulley, and all the the other pulleys except for the tensioner pulley. Do that one last. When you get to it, just rotate it, put the belt over the pulley, and release the tensioner gently.
There is an indicator molded into the spring / lever assembly... 3 "lines" and a centered one on the spring housing that attaches to the engine block. when the tensioner and belt are new, it will be dead center between the lines. As the belt streches, it will run out.
if you are in front of the block (facing the rear of the Trac), the tensioner pulley will move left and up as the belt streches, moving the left most line on the tensioner arm towards the centered line on the tensioner spring housing.
the indicator may "vibrate" it won't be in a steady position. however if it is vibrating too much, or the tensioner is rattling, you should replace the tensioner. Mine was noticably steadier after replacement, I replaced due to an intermittent yet constant rattle in wet conditions with the AC compressor on. This may have also been the rattle I heard over the summer every time the AC was turned on for the first time each day.